Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
The first set of results described by the printout
information considers a model – called
Model A – with no interaction terms. Thus,
Model A contains the exposure variable CAT
and the five covariables AGE, CHL, ECG,
SMK, and HPT. Using theE, V, Wformulation,
this model contains fiveVvariables, namely,
the covariables, and noWvariables.

The second set of results considers Model B,
which contains two interaction terms in addi-
tion to the variables contained in the first
model. The two interaction terms are called
CH and CC, where CH equals the product CAT
HPT and CC equals the product CATCHL.
Thus, this model contains fiveVvariables and
twoWvariables, the latter being HPT and CHL.

Both sets of results have been obtained using
unconditional ML estimation. Note that no
matching has been done and that the number
of parameters in each model is 7 and 9, respec-
tively, which is quite small compared with the
number of subjects in the data set, which is 609.

We focus for now on the set of results involving
the no interaction Model A. The information
provided consists of the log likelihood statistic 2
lnL^at the top followed by a listing of each vari-
able and its corresponding estimated coefficient,
standard error, chi-square statistic, andP-value.

For this model, because CAT is the exposure
variable and there are no interaction terms, the
estimated odds ratio is given by e to the esti-
mated coefficient of CAT, which is e to the quan-
tity 0.5978, which is 1.82. Because Model A
contains fiveVvariables, we can interpret this
odds ratio as an adjusted odds ratio for the effect
of the CAT variable, which controls for the poten-
tial confounding effects of the fiveVvariables.

We can use this information to carry out a
hypothesis test for the significance of the esti-
mated odds ratio from this model. Of the two
test procedures described, namely, the likelihood
ratio test and the Wald test, the information
provided only allows us to carry out the Wald test.

EXAMPLE (continued)
Model A results are at bottom of
previous page

Model B Output:
Variable Coefficient S.E.

sq P
Intercept 4.0497 1.2550 10.41 0.0013
8 CAT 12.6894 3.1047 16.71 0.0000

AGE 0.0350 0.0161 4.69 0.0303
CHL 0.0055 0.0042 1.70 0.1923
Vs ECG 0.3671 0.3278 1.25 0.2627
SMK 0.7732 0.3273 5.58 0.0181
HPT 1.0466 0.3316 9.96 0.0016
CH 2.3318 0.7427 9.86 0.0017
CC 0.0692 0.3316 23.20 0.0000

CH = CAT × HPT and CC = CAT × CHL
unconditional ML estimation
n¼609, # parameters¼ 9
Model A: no interaction
Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P
Intercept –6.7747 1.1402 35.30 0.0000

CAT 0.5978 0.3520 2.88
HPT 0.4392 0.2908 2.28

OR = exp(0.5978) = 1.82

Test statistic Info. available?
Wald Yes

Presentation: VIII. Numerical Example 147
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