Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
The Wald test we have just described tests the
null hypothesis that the coefficient of the CAT
variable is 0 in the model containing CAT and
five covariables. An equivalent way to state this
null hypothesis is that the odds ratio for the
effect of CAT on CHD adjusted for the five
covariables is equal to the null value of 1.

The other chi-square statistics listed in the
table provide Wald tests for other variables in
the model. For example, the chi-square value
for the variable CHL is the squared Wald sta-
tistic that tests whether there is a significant
effect of CHLon CHD controlling for the other
five variables listed, including CAT. However,
the Wald test for CHL, or for any of the other
five covariables, is not of interest in this study
because the only exposure variable is CAT and
because the other five variables are in the
model for control purposes.

A 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio for
the adjusted effect of the CAT variable can be
computed from the set of results for the no
interaction model as follows: We first obtain a
confidence interval forb, the coefficient of the
CAT variable, by using the formulab^plus or
minus 1.96 times the standard error of^b. This
is computed as 0.5978 plus or minus 1.96 times
0.3520. The resulting confidence limits for^b
are0.09 for the lower limit and 1.29 for the
upper limit.

Exponentiating the lower and upper limits
gives the confidence interval for the adjusted
odds ratio, which is 0.91 for the lower limit and
3.63 for the upper limit.

Note that this confidence interval contains the
value 1, which indicates that a two-tailed test is
not significant at the 5% level statistical signif-
icance from the Wald test. This does not con-
tradict the earlier Wald test results, which were
significant at the 5% level because using the CI,
our alternative hypothesis is two-tailed instead
of one-tailed.

EXAMPLE (continued)

H 0 : b¼ 0
equivalent to
H 0 : adjusted OR¼ 1

Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P

0.0088 0.0033 7.18

Not of interest


95% CI for adjusted OR:
First, 95% CI forb:

^b 1 : 96 s^b


CI limits forb:(0.09, 1.29)

exp(CI limits forb)¼ðÞe^0 :^09 ;e^1 :^29

= (0.91, 3.63)

CI contains 1,
do not rejectH 0
5% level (two-tailed)

Presentation: VIII. Numerical Example 149
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