Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Suppose we are interested in the effect of
AGEGP, controlling for the effects of ESTRO-
GEN and SMOKING. The odds ratio for the
effect of AGEGP in the comparison of Adenos-
quamous (D¼1) to Adenocarcinoma (D¼0) is
equal to e to the^b 11 or exp(0.9871) equals 2.68.

The odds ratio for the effect of AGEGP in the
comparison of Other type (D¼2) to Adenocar-
cinoma (D¼0) is equal to e to the ^b 21 or
exp(0.2823) equals 1.33.

Our interpretation of the results for the three-
variable model differs from that of the one-
variable model. The effect of AGEGP on the
outcome is now estimated while controlling
for the effects of ESTROGEN and SMOKING.

If we compare the model with three predictor
variables with the model with only AGEGP
included, the effect of AGEGP in the reduced
model is weaker for the comparison of Adeno-
squamous to Adenocarcinoma (ORd¼ 2 : 18 vs.
2.68), but is stronger for the comparison of
Other to Adenocarcinoma (dOR¼ 1 : 53 vs. 1.33).

These results suggest that estrogen use and
smoking status act as confounders of the rela-
tionship between age group and the tumor
category outcome. The results of the single-
predictor model suggest a bias toward the
null value (i.e., 1) for the comparison of Adeno-
squamous to Adenocarcinoma, whereas the
results suggest a bias away from the null for
the comparison of Other to Adenocarcinoma.
These results illustrate that assessment of con-
founding can have added complexity in the
case of multilevel outcomes.

EXAMPLE (continued)
Adenosquamous vs. Adenocarcinoma:
dOR 1 ¼exp½^a^1 þ^b^11 ð^1 Þþ^b^12 ðX^2 Þþ^b^13 ðX^3 ފ
exp½^a 1 þ^b 11 ð 0 Þþ^b 12 ðX 2 Þþ^b 13 ðX 3 ފ
¼exp^b 11 ¼expð 0 : 9871 Þ¼ 2 : 68

Other vs. Adenocarcinoma:
dOR 2 ¼exp½^a^2 þb^21 ð^1 Þþ
b^ 22 ðX 2 Þþb^ 23 ðX 3 ފ
exp½^a 2 þb^ 21 ð 0 Þþb^ 22 ðX 2 Þþb^ 23 ðX 3 ފ
¼exp^b 21 ¼expð 0 : 2823 Þ¼ 1 : 33

Interpretation of ORs
Three-variable vs. one-variable model
Three-variable model:

One-variable model:
)AGEGPjno control variables
Odds ratios for effect of AGEGP:




1 vs. 0 2.68 2.18
2 vs. 0 1.33 1.53

Results suggest bias for single-
predictor model:

 Toward null for comparison of
category 1 vs. 0
 Away from null for comparison of
category 2 vs. 0.

446 12. Polytomous Logistic Regression

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