Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Montescaglioso (Matera) Giuseppe

Matarazzo published in 1984 U pais’ mi [My

Town] (Libreria Incontri). Still in 1984 one

should mention the best collection of

material for Carnevale, edited by Enzo Spera

Licenzia vo’, Signora (Magistero di Bari). In

1985 Domiziano Viola published Ascenne ra

‘u festine [Coming Out of the Party],

prefaced by F. Galasso. In 1982 had appeared

the volume Canti e nenie popolari

arberesche, edited by A. Bellusci, V.

Piccirillo, P. Rosati, R. Cardone, E. Scutari, D.

Mazzeo, L. Pandolfo, A. Pescuma, N.

Scaldaferri, E. Corbo. In the Viggiano dialect

Pietro Varalla, retired railwayman,

published his poems, among which we note

Radici delle mie radici [Roots of My Roots]

(Villa d’Agri, Ars grafica, 1984), in which he

depicts customs, proverbs and rituals of

Viggiano. After a few acrostics, Varalla

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