Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations
Apply the given values and solve for D Thus, He = 4.5 fHb/lb (1.37 J/N); Qu = 500/20 = 25 ft^3 /(s-ft) [2323 L/(s-m)]. Rearrang ...
Or, Dc = 2 / 3 (4.5) = 3.0 ft (91.44 cm); gMmax = [64.4(4.5 x 3.0 2 3.O 2 )] 0 5 = 29.5 ft 3 /(s-ft) (2741 L/(s-m)]; gmax = 29. ...
encroachment of backwater, or some other factor. The deceleration of liquid requires an increase in hydrostatic pressure, but on ...
Differentiate this equation with respect to L to obtain the rate of change of D; substitute numerical values Differentiating gi ...
Substitute numerical values in Eq. 32 and solve for t Thus, t = 2(200)(150)[14 - (14 x 9.8)°^5 ]/[2(200 + 15O)] = 196 s = 3.27 ...
Using literal values, determine the time interval dt during which the water level rises a distance dh Thus, with C = numerical ...
TABLE 1. Approximate Integration of Eq. 34 Ah,fl(m) /zfe,ft(m) /zm,ft(m) /w,s/ft(s/m) At 9 S 1.0(0.30) O (0.00) 0. 5 (0.15) 2,89 ...
time system of units is applied here. Let F, L, and T denote units of force, length, and time, respectively. By using this gener ...
fore to obtain the following dimensionless parameters: Tr 2 = pw(gD^3 )1/2/^a, and Tr 3 = Pa(SEP)^112 I^a = (gD^3 )l/2/va> wh ...
fore to obtain the following dimensionless parameters: Tr 2 = pw(gD^3 )1/2/^a, and Tr 3 = Pa(SEP)^112 I^a = (gD^3 )l/2/va> wh ...
GPM FIGURE 15. Pump characteristic curves for use in series installation. Calculation Procedure: Plot the characteristic curves ...
GPM FIGURE 16. Seriesed-pump characteristic and system-head curves. Analyze the proposed pumps To analyze properly the proposal ...
Plot the point of operation for each pump on the seriesed curve, Fig. 16. The point of operation of each pump is on the single-p ...
GALLONS PER MINUTE FIGURE 18. Single- and dual-parallel pump characteristic curves. GALLONS PER MINUTE FIGURE 17. Typical pump c ...
The load for this system could be divided among three, four, or more pumps, if de- sired. To achieve the best results, the numbe ...
horsepower (kW) and flow curves. The horsepower (kW) for—say a 200-gal/min (18.6 L/s) flow rate would be about half of a 400-gal ...
more if: (1) larger pumps using higher horsepower (kW) motors are used; (2) several hun- dred pumps are used in the system; (3) ...
SIMILARITY OR AFFINITY LAWS IN CENTRIFUGAL PUMP SELECTION A test-model pump delivers, at its best efficiency point, 500 gal/min ...
SPECIFIC SPEED CONSIDERATIONS IN CENTRIFUGAL PUMP SELECTION What is the upper limit of specific speed and capacity of a 1750-r/m ...
Calculation Procedure: Determine the upper limit of specific speed Use the Hydraulic Institute upper specific-speed curve, Fig. ...
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