Work of Nouns. (LojRôùL^3 LoØu) He is reading. F] ùNj^3 úYôùWv. She is singing. B] L^3 úYô¬v. He is watching. F] NôSùWv. This is ...
Work of Nouns. (LojRôùV LoØu) Dog is barking. ÑSùSô DvúLôojùR.. Boy is playing. ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ùL^2 ú[ôùWv. Boy is returning. ùT ...
Work of Nouns. (LojRôùL^3 LoØu) Bear is standing. T^4 pÛ ¶l^3 À^3 ojùR. Dog is slanting. ÑSùSô Io ̧^3 ojùR. Bear is opening. T^4 ...
Examples of "Ist person and Second person" (@×p, ÕØp DRô^3 WÔu) I am teacher. ª Yj^3 Vôo. You are student. Õ £SdùLô. I am elder. ...
Examples of "Ist person and Second person" (@×p, ÕØp DRô^3 WÔu) I am teacher. ª @mUeL^3. You are student. Õ £Sd¡. I am elder. ª ...
Examples of "Ist person and Second person" (@×p, ÕØp DRô^3 WÔu) I am student. ª £SdùLô You are teacher. Õª Yj^3 Vôo. I am boy. ª ...
Examples of "Ist person and Second person" (@×p, ÕØp DRô^3 WÔu) I am student. ª £SdùLô You are teacher. Õª @mUeL^3. I am boy. ª ...
Examples of "Ist person and Second person" (@×p, ÕØp DRô^3 WÔu) You are son. Õ ùT^3 ùPô. You are firstborn. Õª ùT^2 núXh. You ar ...
Second "Vibakthi" Suffixing-'ik' and Singular Sentence. (§^3 úYô ®T^3 d§ # ùNôSYh # "d') (F¡^3 YôdVØu) Boy ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 Ganesh ...
Second "Vibakthi" Suffixing-'ik' and Singular Sentence. (§^3 úYô ®T^3 d§ # ùNôSYh # "d') (F¡^3 YôdVØu) Girl ùT^3 h^3 ¡^3 Plants ...
Boy eating food. ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 , ALô^3 Úd Lô^2 ùWv. Mother teaching book. Uôn, ×vRÜd £SdLúPô^3 ¬v. Second "Vibakthi" Suffixing- ...
Son, come! ùT^3 Pô, Aq! Son, Drink! ùT^3 Pô, úT! Son, eat! ùT^3 Pô^3 , Lô^2 !. Vetal, dont talk. ùYPôp, YjÕôeùLô^3. Son, accompa ...
Take your seat! ©^3 ùNôS Welcome! @ùYô. Take this sir. L^2 sÞùYô. See this sir. N^2 ùYô. Î Î Î Have drink sir. ùTùYô. Have food ...
Î Î Î Past-state of present things. - ùaôk§Éu. Oldman was as youngman at past. ùRô^3 Ï^3 ùWô, ×s[ôm "_qùQôL^3 ' ùaôkúRv. Old man ...
Past-state of present things. - ùaôk§Éu. 1 2 3 4 5 Oldman is thinking.... ùRô^3 Ï^3 ùWô ahúYôùWv... 1) Being student at past and ...
Usage of 'then' - "¡^3 u" ©WúVôd^3 # DRô^3 WÔu Boy bathed and then worships. ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ; ÑS]Éd¡ ¡^3 u, SúUôùWv. Boy is bath ...
Third "Vibakthi" Suffixing- 'haal' and Singular Sentence. (§^2 ú]ô ®T^3 d§ # ùNôSYh # "aôp') (F¡^3 YôdVØu) Boy ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 Ha ...
Third "Vibakthi" Suffixing- 'haal' and Singular Sentence. (§^2 ú]ô ®T^3 d§ # ùNôSYh # "aôp') (F¡^3 YôdVØu) Hunter úYPLôo Hunter ...
Third "Vibakthi" Suffixing- 'im' and Singular Sentence. (§^2 ú]ô ®T^3 d§ # ùNôSYh # "m') (F¡^3 YôdVØu) ãS£ : §Sú]ô ®T^3 d§ùV ùNô ...
Third "Vibakthi" Suffixing- 'im' and Singular Sentence. (§^2 ú]ô ®T^3 d§ # ùNôSYh # "m') (F¡^3 YôdVØu) Girl ùT^3 h^3 ¡^3 Teacher ...
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