(Darren Dugan) #1

ùUôùW -dLô¦ úLôh úNS? / Fu FÝÕúLôp FeúL? ............................ (Where is my pen?)
Ii¥ @eÏ^3 ùQô Nôo úTô^3 h úNS / IÚ @¥ SôuÏ @eÏXm Ds[Õ ............... (It lengehs one feet four inch)
úL^4 o ùTô^2 qQôu @qWôv / ®Úk§]o Åh¥tÏ YkÕs[]o ..................(Guests arrived to my house)
Toxaôp ×^3 Õ^3 ùWôL^3 úNS/ UûZVôp úNßNL§VôL Ds[Õ .................. (Dank because of rain)
L^4 ¦j ùT^4 ° ×^3 v¡L^3 úNS/ LQdÏ L¥]UôL Ds[Õ ........................... (The problem is complicate)
BS ×^3 vÏ¥ ùWôúPô^3 ¬v^ / BYs úRm© @Ý¡\ôs ...................................... (She cries with sob)
ùTô^4 uù]ô úTô^4 o Tô^4 j úah^3 / Tôû] ̈û\V úNôß FÓ .................. (Take a potful of rice)
ùLiPô^3 d^3 ûL XúLô^3 ¬]ô?^ / D]dÏ ùYhLUôL BpûXVô? .................. (Are you not ashamed?)
ôÓuNôo Nôj'ùL ùW:ùPô / @ßTj§SôÛ L§o BVk§Wm .................. (Machine of sixtyfour spindle) ûN- ¡jùLô úUôp? / ØßdÏ Fu] ®ûX? .................................................. (Rice-coil costs how much?) @Lô^3 ÑSm NgNp R^4 úUôojùR / ALôVj§p ªu]p ùR¬¡\Õ .................. (Clouds are lightning at sky) §^3 ùYô Xôq / ®[dÏ ùTôÚjÕ ....................................................................................... (Turn/Switch on the light) F Lq² _^4 ¥^3 / BÕ UQjRdLô° ùN¥ .............................................................. (This is a spinach) §^4 Ï^3 ùPô^3 ùLômWn ́v / úRôûN ¾nkÕ®hPÕ ..................................... (Dosa has singed) ùTô[ôm Øgf£ Lô^4 p / LWi¥«p ùUôiÓ Etß .......................... (Draw by ladle and drop) ùLô^2 sùPô ùTô^4 o® úR^2 q / NôdÏlûTûV ̈Wl© ûY ....................... (Fill the bag) ùTôm[ô UôùX R¡^3 ùX / TY[UôûX @¦kÕùLôs ............................... (Wear coral garland) Lù[ô T² ùTôqeùLô^3 / NôWôVmÏ¥dLôúR ......................................................... (Dont drink liquor) ùTôgÑ ùR^2 ® aôu / ϱûYjÕ @¥ ....................................................................... (Aim and beat) FL^3 úLôu éP? / BRtÏ Vôo ùTôßl×? ...................................................................... (Who take incharge?) ùTôWh'ùL ùL^4 úRô^3 h^3 BùV/ BÕ YiQô²u LÝûR ....................... (This donkey belongs to washerman) LkRô^3 ùTôhÓ úNôSp / ùYeLôV úRôûX D¬ .................. (Peel the onion's skin) ùRôùLô^3 ©Wª§ úNS¡^3 Vô? / D]dÏ DQoÜ BÚd¡\Rô? .................. (Do you have feeling?) úLô]d úNS? / FlT¥ BÚd¡\Õ? ............................................................................................ (How is it?) UkÕôo Ne¡^3 / Uk§WjûRf ùNôp ......................................................................................... (Say the spell) ûT^3 àô...T^4 Yôàô... / ùT¬úVôoLú[! RônUôoLú[! .................................................... (Ladies and gentlemen...) AeÏ^3 úTô^4 o ùLô^4 ml^3 ° @q¬v / DPp ØÝdL úYodÏÚ Ds[Õ ......(Pimples seen in whole body) T² ùLô^4 mù[ôL^3 RlTôh^3 / ¿ûWf ªRUôn ÑP ûY ......................................... (Tepid the water) § ûT^3 ùLô^4 mùUô úNS / @kR @mUô Dsú[«Úd¡\ôoLs .......................... (That madam is in the house) ©pùXô ùLô^4 Qe¡^3 ú[ @úYô¬v / ÏZkûR RYrkÕ YÚ¡\Õ ...... (The child came by creeping) Lôn ùL^2 ú[ôojùR¡^3 Vô? / Fu] ®û[VôÓ¡\ôVô? ............................................ (Are you playing?) F á^4 ÑS ×^2 hùPô / BÕ ùTÚfNô° Yû[ ....................................................................... (This is bandicoot's nest) ùR] ùLô^4 oá^3 p L^2 úPô^3 ùWv / @Yu Ï\hûP ®Ó¡\ôu .......................... (He is snoring) §ùV ùLô^3 Ú, BùV Lô^3 n / @Õ UôÓ, BÕ TÑ ....................................................... (That is bull, and this is cow) úLô^4m R¡^3 ùX ÑhÓ _ôWôv / úLôªhÓdùLôiúP EoYXm ùNp¡\Õ .......................... (The procession goes with tumultuous noise ) ®Vm Ï^3 hÓL^3 ùR^2 qùX / ®NVjûR WL£VUôL ûY ................................. (Keep the matter as secret)
_ômT^3 Yôu IiùP ¡^3 ¥^3 / _ômTYôu IÚ LW¥ ...................................... (Jambavaan is a bear)
ûavÕ £jÕôo ¡^3 gf£ / Vôû] J®Vm YûW ...................................... (Draw a elephant)
ùLô^4 m(RkÕ) úUôp ùNôSeùLô^3 / úLôÕûY ®ûX U-Ü ...................................... (Wheat costs cheap)
F Rô^3 Õ ùLô^3 j^3 ùR^3 / BÕ TtTûN ...................................... (It is a toothpaste)

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