Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters
Rebuilding New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina 119 die Aufmerksamkeit auf selbst initiierte, visionäre Wettbe- werbe neuer Archi ...
120 Michael S. Falser action by FeMa immediately after Katrina, long before the first systematic demolition of 125 damaged house ...
Rebuilding New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina 121 louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,«29 the us pavilion mainly pr ...
122 Michael S. Falser »Homeland security threat is at level orange today«—emotional concluding remarks anyone staying in the uni ...
It is not yet possible to assess the potential consequences of climatic change. They will partly depend on whether agreement can ...
124 Dieter Polkowski Hamburg up till then was measured on February 17th. at 5.70 meters over mean sea level, it was the same hei ...
Flood Protection and Heritage Conservation in Large Cities. Case Study of Hamburg 125 The Hamburg port and the warehouse distric ...
126 Dieter Polkowski as stresses from ships that did not always dock skillfully. The proximity of harbor basin and quay zone als ...
Flood Protection and Heritage Conservation in Large Cities. Case Study of Hamburg 127 there of a new large-scale warehouse distr ...
128 Dieter Polkowski demands on modern harbor operations. Thus a unique chance has opened up for downtown development and for th ...
Flood Protection and Heritage Conservation in Large Cities. Case Study of Hamburg 129 Because of modern developments the warehou ...
130 Dieter Polkowski Flood protection for HafenCity and the warehouse district The flood protection line in the inner city area ...
Flood Protection and Heritage Conservation in Large Cities. Case Study of Hamburg 131 allows a quarter-by-quarter development of ...
disastrous floods that surpassed all historical records hit a vast area of Bohemia in august 2002. Hydrologists estimate that th ...
134 Josef Štulc campaign offering their services and products to the owners of flooded buildings. Their aim was to repair the af ...
The 2002 Floods in the Czech Republic and their Impact on Built Heritage 135 Fig. 4 Stará Hlína, the Inundation Bridge, a masonr ...
136 Josef Štulc Fig. 5 Písek, the oldest medieval stone bridge in Bohemia from the period after 1250 with Baroque sculptural dec ...
The 2002 Floods in the Czech Republic and their Impact on Built Heritage 137 after a flood it takes a long time before subsoil ...
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