Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters
The Cultural Heritage of the Natural Disaster 39 cultures are therefore part of disaster prevention, par- ticularly in the field ...
Introduction natural disasters are a topic in the media practically every day. Hardly a month goes by without sensational news o ...
42 Reto Ebnöther, Stefan Thurnherr Natural Disasters The term natural disaster can be considered from two sides: either it is a ...
Loss of Cultural Property through Natural Disasters 43 eruptions. The tsunami is the perfect example of a geo- physical disaster ...
44 Reto Ebnöther, Stefan Thurnherr Cultural property The threats pointed out above often affect human life, landscapes and infra ...
Loss of Cultural Property through Natural Disasters 45 The value of cultural property and its protection The assessment of the v ...
46 Reto Ebnöther, Stefan Thurnherr natural signs of wear and tear, for instance through the renovation of buildings or the resto ...
Loss of Cultural Property through Natural Disasters 47 danger management and that based on comprehensive chance/danger managemen ...
48 Reto Ebnöther, Stefan Thurnherr several measures. Moreover, risk control options can be differentiated into measures that lim ...
Loss of Cultural Property through Natural Disasters 49 come into use when an event has occurred (artificial dikes against floodi ...
50 Reto Ebnöther, Stefan Thurnherr in the entire risk management process: financing or the extent to which something can be insu ...
Loss of Cultural Property through Natural Disasters 51 probability of damage occurring, falls to the state. The insurance busine ...
52 Reto Ebnöther, Stefan Thurnherr Bibliography Brühwiler, Bruno: risk Management als Führungsaufgabe, Berne 2003. Busenhart, jü ...
Joseph King, Gamini Wijesuriya Towards a More Strategic Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction Introduction It is evident that the ...
54 Joseph King, Gamini Wijesuriya the systematic integration of cultural heritage and tra- ditional technology, skills and loca ...
Towards a More Strategic Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction 55 kits, case studies and technical studies, glossaries) on disaste ...
56 Joseph King, Gamini Wijesuriya Heritage professionals feel that consideration of these factors prior to disasters occurring w ...
Towards a More Strategic Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction 57 lessons can be learned from prior incidents, and inte- grating t ...
58 Joseph King, Gamini Wijesuriya stories, unwritten historical records and oral traditions helped them to be warned about disas ...
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