Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

I write this with the full knowledge that the
trend today is to try to get more and more money for less
and less work. Certainly, I am for modernization, mechani-
zation, automation and computerization. But these should
produce more and better products and services at lower
prices so that they may benefit more, and eventually all,
people. To do this will require more work-not less work-
by this generation and many generations to come.
When more than haH of the people in the
world do not have even enough to eat, when most of the
people of the world do not have any of the conveniences
which a small percentage of us in the "amuent society"
take for granted-we have a big job to do, and it is going
to take hard work to do it, even with the use of our com-
puterized automation.

And we had better start now, not just for the
good of humanity, but for our own good! Some day-soon
-this drive to be paid more and more for working less and
less is going to run head on into the Law of Diminishing
Returns. When we price ourselves out of the world market,
we will have priced our labor out of jobs and our industry
out of business. Already foreign industry is producing
many better products at much lower prices. Already our
larger industries are building many more plants in foreign
countries to utilize much lower priced foreign labor. And
if some people think they have discovered a substitute for
work, I want to leave them with this interesting thought ...
The LEADERS and those who will be the
future leaders in this country ARE WORKING TWELVE

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