VHDL Programming

(C. Jardin) #1

18 Chapter Two








Figure 2-2
Mux4 Symbol.

q <= i2 AFTER 10 ns WHEN 2,
q <= i3 AFTER 10 ns WHEN 3,
q <= ‘X’ AFTER 10 ns WHEN OTHERS;

sel <= 0 WHEN a = ‘ 0 ’ AND b = ‘ 0 ’ ELSE
1 WHEN a = ‘ 1 ’ AND b = ‘ 0 ’ ELSE
2 WHEN a = ‘ 0 ’ AND b = ‘ 1 ’ ELSE
3 WHEN a = ‘ 1 ’ AND b = ‘ 1 ’ ELSE
4 ;
END mux4;

The entity for this model has six input ports and one output port. Four
of the input ports (I0, I1, I2, I3) represent signals that will be assigned
to the output signal q. Only one of the signals will be assigned to the out-
put signal qbased on the value of the other two input signals aand b. The
truth table for the multiplexer is shown in Figure 2-3.
To implement the functionality described in the preceding, we use a
conditional signal assignment statement and a selected signal assignment.
The second statement type in this example is called a conditional signal
assignment statement. This statement assigns a value to the target sig-
nal based on conditions that are evaluated for each statement. The
statement WHENconditions are executed one at a time in sequential order
until the conditions of a statement are met. The first statement that
matches the conditions required assigns the value to the target signal.
The target signal for this example is the local signal sel. Depending
on the values of signals aand b, the values 0 through 4 are assigned
to sel.
If more than one statement’s conditions match, the first statement that
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