Index 221
RIP, see Raster image processor
Ritter, Bill, 39
ROM, see Read-only memory
Rowell, Galen, 112
RS16 monopods, 151–153
Saturation, 213
Search engine, 213
Selection tool, 213
Serial port, 213
Shade, color balance setting, 88–89
Shake Reduction (SR) system, 130–131
Shareware, 214
Shutter speed
setting, 116
sharpness of image, 138
aperture, 111–113
ISO speed in noise minimization,
SilverFast HDR, high dynamic range
image creation, 51–53
SilverOxide, 186
Single-lens refl ex (SLR), 214
Skylight fi lter, 120
SLR, see Single-lens refl ex
Solaris, 24
Sony LR-A100, 131
Speedlite, 26–27
Spiderlite TD5, 22–23
SR system, see Shake Reduction system
color space, 95
defi nition, 214
Staver, Barry, 3, 6, 9, 26, 30, 32–36, 44–45,
59, 77–78, 83, 85, 92, 102, 109–110,
112–113, 123, 133, 139, 151,
159–160, 162–164, 166–169,
177–180, 182, 187, 190
Staver, Matthew, 114–115, 171,
Staver, Michael, 11, 134
Sto-Fen, 91
Stoneman, Tia, 22
Stop, defi nition, 112
Sunny 16 rule, 32
Sunpak, 23
Sunrise, timing, 4
Sunset, timing, 4
Super SteadyShot, 131
Supersonic Wave Drive, image stabilization,
sYCC, color space, 14–15
Thomson, Larrie, 20, 150
Through-the-lens (TTL), 214
defi nition, 214
EXIF, 13–14
RAW Thumbnail Viewer, 192
TIFF, 214
TLR Digital Noise Reduction, 76–77
Toning, digital effects, 106–108
Transfer rate, 214
Trees, exposure and shooting through,
buying factors, 151
carbon-fi ber tripods, 143–146
center column, 150
feet, 147
heads, 147–149
importance, 138–140
legs, 146–147
materials, 142–143
photographer as, 159
requirements, 140
sections, 146
TTL, see Through-the-lens
Tungsten light, color balance setting, 91–92,
TWAIN, 214
UDMA, see Ultra direct memory access
Ultra direct memory access (UDMA),
Undo, 214–215
Uniform resource locator (URL), 215
UNIX, 215
Unsharp mask, 215
URL, see Uniform resource locator
USB, 196
U.S. Naval Observatory, 4
Variations, 215
Vector image, 215
Vibration reduction (VR), lenses, 124
Video random-access memory (VRAM),
Virtual memory, 215
Virtual Reality Photography Slate Book,
VR, see Vibration reduction
VRAM, see Video random-access memory
Wavelet theory, noise reduction, 56, 67
Weather, photography tips, 7