This procedure removes the command bar buttons for the add-in if the user disconnected it.
On Error Resume Next
If the user unloaded the add-in, remove the button. Otherwise, the add-in is being unloaded
because the application is closing; in that case, leave button as is.
If RemoveMode = ext_dm_UserClosed Then
Delete the custom command bar buttons.
With pappAccess.CommandBars(“Form Design”)
.Controls(“Rename Form Controls”).Delete
End With
With pappAccess.CommandBars(“Report Design”)
.Controls(“Rename Report Controls”).Delete
End With
End If
Exit Function
AddInErr Err
Resume ErrorHandlerExit
End Function
Public Function LNCRenameFormControls() As Variant
Renames all the controls on open forms.
On Error Resume Next
Generate table of control types to use in renaming controls (if it does not already exist).
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Determine whether any forms are open, and exit if not.
If pappAccess.Forms.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox “No forms are open; exiting”
GoTo ErrorHandlerExit
End If
Part III Adding More Functionality to Office