Computational Chemistry
and thus theP’s, change from SCF cycle to cycle. The change in the electron repulsion matrixGcorresponds to that in the molecula ...
centered on atomic nuclei and were normalized but not orthogonal (Section 4.3.3), while the transformed basis functionsf^0 are d ...
Step 9– Beginning the second SCF cycle: using thec’s ofC 1 to calculate a new Fock matrixF 1 (cf. Step 4, (b)) The first Fock ma ...
Step 10– TransformingF 1 toF^01 (cf.Step 5) F^01 ¼ 1 : 1163 # 0 : 3003 # 0 :3003 1: 1163 # 0 : 7982 # 0 : 9791 # 0 : 9791 # 1 ...
Comparing the above P’s with Eqs.5.136we see that convergence to within our one part in 1,000 criterion has not occurred: the la ...
EtotalHF ¼EHFþVNN¼ Xn i¼ 1 eiþ 1 2 Xm r¼ 1 Xm s¼ 1 PrsHcorers þVNN ð 5 : 149 ¼ 5 : 93 Þ EtotalHF, which is what is normally mean ...
hand-power or electricity. There were also, in astronomy at least, armies of women arithmeticians called computers – the origina ...
Calculate the integrals:Trs,Vrsfor each nucleus, and the two-electron integrals (ru| ts) etc. needed forGrs, as well as the ove ...
variety of mathematical tricks. Among these are: the use of symmetry to avoid duplicate calculation of identical integrals; test ...
necessarily conventional atomic orbitals: they can be any set of mathematical functions that are convenient to manipulate and wh ...
where jr#rAj^2 ¼ðx#xAÞ^2 þðy#yAÞ^2 þðz#zAÞ^2 and jr#rBj^2 ¼ðx#xBÞ^2 þðy#yBÞ^2 þðz#zBÞ^2 ð 5 : 154 Þ with the nuclear and electro ...
0.5353 and 0.1543). Typically, an ab initio basis function consists of a set of primitive Gaussians bundled together with a set ...
whereg 1 r 1 s¼g 1 r'g 1 sand so on. Thus with contracted Gaussians as basis functions, each two-electron integral becomes a sum ...
real basis functions derives from the fact that there are four basis functions in each integral and (rs|tu) is eightfold degener ...
once, and accessing information from the electronic memory is fast. However, RAM cannot yet store as many integrals as the hard ...
correlation-consistent (below) and Huzinaga sets, is given by Simons and Nichols [ 41 ]. There is no one procedure for developin ...
to accommodate all their electrons. For the earlier part of the periodic table (hydrogen to argon) each atom has one basis funct ...
266 1 H 1 s 1 s 2 functions 2 He 1 s 1 s 2 functions 310 Li– Ne 1 s 2 s 2 p 2 p 2 p 2 s 2 p 2 p 2 p 9 functions 11 Na– Ar 18 1 s ...
functions. Starting with the next element, scandium, five 3dorbitals are added, so that scandium to krypton have 13þ 5 ¼18 basis ...
(Chapter 6) are perhaps more likely to be used nowadays in preliminary investiga- tions, and to obtain reasonable starting struc ...
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