Larsen, Peder, 32 Lund, Troels Frederik.SeeTroels-Lund,
Lasalle, Ferdinand, 501 Frederik
Lassen, Søren, 478 Lund, Vilhelm Nicolai, 46, 769
Lehmann, Orla, 18, 62–63, 65, 83, 493 Luno, Bianco, 508–9, 510, 593
Levin, Israel, xx–xxi, 50, 146, 288–92, Lyne, Knud, 613, 614
313, 460, 478–79; involvement in Kier- Lyngbye, Hans Christian, 53
kegaard’s work, 290 Lyngbye, Jens, 53
licensing for production, 464 Lynge, H.H.J., 800
Lichtenberg, G. C., 98 Lysander, Albert, 661
Liebenberg, F. L., 18, 314
Life in Scandinavia(Bremer), 589–90 Madsen, Kristen, 32
Life in the Underworld, A(R. Nielsen), 692– Madvig, J. N., 196–97, 603, 729
98 Mail Coach Inn, 316
Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air, 546– Mansa, J. H., 475
47, 574, 575 Map of Europe(Streit), 475
Lind, P. E., 20–21, 48–49, 51, 69 Map of the Northeastern Portion of Zealand
Lindberg, Elise, 36, 126 (Mansa), 475
Lindberg, Jakob Christian, 32–35, 36–37 “March ministry,” 494
Literary Monthly, 78, 79 Margrethe, Birgitte, 50
Literary Review, A, 411, 487–88, 491–92, Martensen, H. L., xvii–xix, 30–31, 47–48,
672 78–80, 194, 197, 210–11, 317, 318, 327,
“Literary Quicksilver, or a Venture in the 386, 415, 422, 425–27, 571–72, 575–82,
Higher Madness, with Lucida Intervalla” 592, 742–43, 746–48, 766–67, 797–98,
(Christensen), 216 800, 808; attacked in print by Rasmus
“Literary Winter Seed” (Johan Ludvig Nielsen, 692–700; comparison to Kier-
Heiberg), 218–20 kegaard, 636–38, 640; eulogy for Myns-
Liunge, A. P., 64, 65 ter, 729; marriage of, 579; on politics,
Lorck, J. L., 518 500–502; as successor to Mynster, 729–
Lucian, 144 30
Luise, Johanne, 572 Marx, Karl, 209, 472, 486, 489, 501, 502
Lund, Augusta, 300 masturbation, 107–8
Lund, Carl, 684, 790, 810 Mathiessen, Boy, 20
Lund, Charlotte, 20 “Memory of Man, The” (Grundtvig), 387
Lund, Henriette, 14, 46, 294, 297, 298– Mentz, Christoffer G. J., 50
300, 309, 429, 430, 514 Meyer, Raphael, 174
Lund, Henrik, 430, 457, 649, 802, 805–6 Minerva, 614
Lund, Henrik Ferdinand, xviii–xix, 22, 26, Miss Nielsen’s Cookbook, 471
43, 46, 217, 430, 514, 517, 752, 790 “Mocker, A” (P. M. Møller), 389
Lund, Johan Christian, xix, 20, 22, 28, 37, Molbech, Christian, 334, 508
39, 42–43, 439, 506, 786, 788, 792–93, Molbech, K. F., 752
798, 799, 801, 803, 812 Molie`re, 220
Lund, Lars Sørenson, 6 Møller, Jens, 23, 29
Lund, Peter, 46 Møller, Poul Martin, 64, 67, 69, 86–89,
Lund, Peter Severin, 46 90–95, 118, 126, 144, 150, 179, 193,
Lund, Peter Wilhelm, 22–23, 43, 52, 58, 311, 320, 375, 386–88, 405, 416, 514,
72, 76, 430; in Brazil, 51, 474 515, 583, 669, 707, 800; on affectation,
Lund, Søren Jensen, 6 92–93; in China, 474; onConcluding Un-
862 {Index}