The Origins of Music: Preface - Preface
The present volume is based on a workshop entitled “The Origins of Music”arranged by the Institute for Biomusicology in the Etru ...
Biomusicology were to deal with the origins (phylogeny) of music,with its ontogeny,and with the interaction of biology and cultu ...
Simha Arom CNRS Laboratoire de Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale Paris,France Derek Bickerton Department of Linguistics ...
Peter Todd Max Planck Institute for Human Development Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition Berlin,Germany Sandra Trehub De ...
Steven Brown,Björn Merker,and Nils L.Wallin Abstract In this introduction to the new field of evolutionary musicology,we see tha ...
itself.And with that,musicology seemed to relinquish its role as a con- tributor to the study human origins as well as any commi ...
The new field of “biomusicology”(Wallin 1991) places the analysis of music origins and its application to the study of human ori ...
Laland 1996) in analyzing musical behavior from the standpoint of both natural selection forces and cultural selection forces. T ...
of increasing importance in biomusicology.Musical universals place the focus on what music tends to be likein order to be consid ...
Music Evolution versus Language Evolution Not only does music have an ambivalent relationship with animal song, but it has an eq ...
together music’s use of level tones and pitch contours with language’s role in generating semantic meaning.Thus,it is not unreas ...
inextricably linked to movement and gesture in the context of most group rituals.In musical rituals,gesture and vocalizing funct ...
of brain function,the hominid brain expansion,tool production,tool use, social structure,group rituals,evolution of syntax,and t ...
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