The Origins of Music: Preface - Preface
92 Marc D.Hauser Figur e 6.5 Schematic illustration of the experimental design for playbacks on orienting biases to rhesus monke ...
First,each one is produced in a context that can be clearly identified. Thus,grunts are produced during affiliative interactions ...
94 Marc D.Hauser Figure 6.6 Results of playback experiments on orienting asymmetries.Each panel shows data on unmanipulated call ...
Why did manipulations of the interpulse interval have a detectable effect on responses to grunts and shrill barks,but no effect ...
evolved from primate lip smacks and other mandibular cyclicities asso- ciated with vocal production.Thus far,however,no study ha ...
6.7) from three adult males and two adult females (five to nine call exem- plars per individual) indicate that for both screams ...
specified,such as our capacity to perceive differences among melodies, to hum a tune,and to extract emotion from a musical compo ...
Wenner-Gren Foundation,Leakey Foundation,and Harvard University. I thank the staff on Cayo Santiago and,in particular,the scient ...
Graves,R.and Landis,T.(1985).Hemispheric control of speech expression in aphasia:A mouth asymmetry study.Archives of Neurology42 ...
Hopkins,W.D.,Washburn,D.A.,and Rumbaugh,D.(1990).Processing of form stimuli pre- sented unilaterally in humans,chimpanzees (Pan ...
Scherer,K.R.(1986).Vocal affect expression:A review and a model for future research. Psychological Bulletin99:143–165. Scherer,K ...
Thomas Geissmann Abstract Gibbons (Hylobatesspp.) produce loud and long song bouts that are mostly exhibited by mated pairs. Typ ...
mammals of comparable body weight.Along with their locomotor spe- cialization are a large number of correlated anatomical adapta ...
a duration of eighty-six minutes.Songs are preferentially uttered in the early morning hours,with species-specific preferences f ...
106 Thomas Geissmann Figure 7.3 Sonagram of gibbon great call sequences.Sonagrams c and f are excerpts from female solo song bou ...
Males of many gibbon species produce one or several distinct types of short phrases that often become gradually more complex (e. ...
call sequence—than a simple great call-coda combination and include several different phrases and repeated vocal interactions be ...
109 Gibbon Songs and Human Music Figure 7.6 Sonagrams of female great calls of two gibbon species,Hylobates lar(a) and H.mueller ...
calls that combine elements of both parental species,although each hybrid has heard great calls of only one of the two species,a ...
That study did not prove,however,that duetting in siamangs strength- ens the pair bond,because evidence of a direct relationship ...
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