Flow – Psychology of Optimal Experience
NOTES ■ 271 the they, or the intrapsychic representation of other people we carry in our minds. Related concepts are Charles Coo ...
272 ■ NOTES as they supply the want of other means of procuring respect.”) See review in Newsweek (Oct. 5, 1987, p. 90). 168 Hum ...
NOTES • 273 can tolerate the difficult learning and practicing required to perfect a talent (for a first report on this topic, s ...
274 ■ NOTES equal, stable monogamous couples are able to provide better psychologi cal as well as financial resources for their ...
NOTES ■ 275 girls will become pregnant at least once before they turn 20 (Wallis et al. 1985). Families that provide flow. The c ...
276 ■ NOTES goals and rules become autonomous from their original purposes, and begin to be pursued for intrinsic reasons—becaus ...
NOTES ■ 277 are commitment to one’s goals, a sense of being in control, and enjoy ment of challenges (Kobasa, Maddi, &. Kah ...
278 • NOTES (Bee 1987, p. 373). On the other hand, the flow model suggests that having too-easy goals would be equally dissatisf ...
NOTES ■ 279 fascinating question is likely to remain forever beyond the reach of certainty. 227- The inner life of animals. To w ...
280 ■ NOTES 234 235 235- 236 238 239 psychologists mentioned in the note to page 221 ; see also Crandall (1984), and note to p. ...
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