Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
(‘way of nourishment [grace]’)
A school of VAIÆŒAVISMfounded by
Vallabha (1481–1533) which exalts the
uncaused grace of God (pu•fli) as the
means of salvation. Vallabha considered
it superior to all other forms of bhakti-
märga, entailing complete surrender of
oneself and one’s own to the GURU. The
pu•flimärgais open to all. The highest
aim is nitya lïlä, eternal enjoyment of the
company of the Lord. The greatest mod-
els are the GOPÏSof Vøndävana.

A demoness, who tried to kill the infant

Kø•æa by suckling him on her poisoned
breasts. Kø•æa killed her and thus saved
her from her own wickedness.

putra (‘son’)
According to a popular etymology ‘sav-
iour’ (tra) from hell (put, the place to
which childless men were condemned),
explaining the great importance of
having a son. Only a son was qualified to
perform the last rites for his parents,
without which they would not be able to
find rest. The son also continued the
family line. In some cases a daughter
could be ‘declared a son’, in order to per-
form the last rites. (See alsoŸRADDHA.)

145 putra

Encyclo - Letter P 10/2/03 9:56 am Page 145

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