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(Nora) #1

to be angry and irritated. Joseph admitted it, but blamed stress
from working too hard at his job. He also added that the real
problem was poor communication between them. They were
provided with anger and communication management programs.

  1. Another problem they complained about was not having an
    agreement on how to spend their money.
    Knowing that financial problems are one of the main causes for
    divorce in the United Sates, I immediately offered them a good
    financial planning course.

  2. At one point, Joseph threatened not to come back to therapy
    anymore because he had no time to do it. So I also suggested a
    time management system to him to better manage the way he
    was spending his time.
    [All of this additional information is currently available as free
    bonuses to those following my 30-day on-line course.]

  3. Joseph and Mary were made fully aware of all of the benefits
    of committing to work out their difficulties – such as having a
    happier, more supporting and loving married life and possibly
    even having children in the future and raising a happy family

  4. It was also explained that the high cost of continuing to have a
    miserable life, devoid of love for each other, was likely going to
    end in a divorce.

  5. But above all, it was explained to them, and this is the most im-
    portant piece of information that I have for you too, was what
    seems to be the subconscious tendencies we all have, and which
    needed to be brought into their awareness in order to enjoy a
    happy marriage.

  6. And finally, I explained to them what the changes were that they
    needed to implement on a daily basis to turn around their shaky
    Today, more than ten years later, Joseph and Mary are happily
    married with two beautiful children and enjoying a well-bal-
    anced and happy marital life.

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