The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

dual economy 173
Green Revolution 318, 319
LISA 712
Lisle, D. 775
List, Friedrich 184
cartography, history of 70
chronotope 84
colonialism 98
geographies 113
counterfactuals 119
cultural geography 131
culture 135
geography, history of 296
global cities/world cities 306
image 369
imperialism 374
realism 621
travel writing 774
tropicality 777
living standards 380–1
Livingstone, D.
geographical societies 286
geography 287
relativism 641
text 750
travelling theory 775
trust 778
Lloyd, Genevieve 492
Lobeck, A.K. 533
Local Economic Trading
Systems (LETS)
alternative economies 24
informal sector 381–2
local knowledge422–3
indigenous knowledge 375
law (scientific) 415
locational analysis 429
postmodernism 568
science/science studies 667
situated knowledge 684
local state423–4
enterprise zone 195
secession 670
local statistics 424
general linear model
(GLM) 271
geographical analysis machine
(GAM) 281
point pattern analysis 544
quadrat analysis 603
quantitative methods 610
surface 733
locale 424
contextual effect 110
contextuality 111
tourism 763
local–global relations424–5
complexity theory 106
urban ecology 783
locality 425
economic geography 179
industrial district 375, 376

industrial geography 377
location theory 427
metaphor 456
political ecology 546
society 702
topography 762
world-systems analysis 814
localization 425
glocalization 312
post-Fordism 564
location quotient425–6
economic base theory 178
segregation, measurement
of 675
location strategy 345
location theory426–8
behavioural geography 44
dialectic(s) 157
economic geography 179
models 196
human geography 351
industrial geography 377
locational analysis 428
neo-classical economics 496
New Economic
Geography 500
normative theory 505
political economy 548
quantitative methods 607
quantitative revolution 611
rational choice theory 639
space-economy 710
spatial science 715
time–space convergence 758
transaction costs 767
transport costs 773
urban geography 785
locational analysis428–9, 428
economic geography 179
location theory 427
nodal region 501
process 586
quantitative methods 608
regional geography 633–4
science/science studies 667
spatial analysis 711
transport costs 773
Locke, John
America(s) (idea of) 25
empiricism 190
identity 364
labour theory of value 406
nature 492
state of nature 724
Lockean liberalism 547, 548
Lo ̈fgren, O. 764
logical empiricism429–30
Cartesianism 65
logical positivism 430
positivism 558
spatial science 714
logical positivism430–1
Cartesianism 65

cartography 67
critical rationalism 124
exceptionalism 227
falsification 239
logical empiricism 429
positivism 558
science/science studies 666
scientific revolution(s) 669
spatial science 714
logit regression models 431
categorical data analysis 73
general linear model
(GLM) 271
regression 640
log-linear modelling 431
logocentrism 527
Lohia, R. 72
London, City of
industrial district 376
inner city 384
money and finance 477
(LSE) 443
Long, J. 1
Longhurst, R. 52
longitudinal data analysis
categorical data analysis 73
census 75
multi-level models 483
sequence analysis 676
survey analysis 736
Loos, A. 472
Lorde, Audre 699
Lorimer, H. 605
Los Angeles School 432
postmodernism 568
urban geography 787
Lo ̈sch, August
central place theory 76
dialectic(s) 157
location theory 426
locational analysis 428
normative theory 505
space-economy 710
Lotka-Volterra equations 176
Louis XIV, king of
France 311
Loukaki, A. 272
Loury, Glen 689
Love Canal, New York 201
Lowe, M. 654
Lowenthal, David
behavioural geography 44
history 199–200
Lowie, R.H. 45
Lozovsky, N. 297
Lucas, Robert 182
Luce, Henry 26
Luckmann, Thomas
lifeworld 418
social construction 690
Lucretius 449

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