The Dictionary of Human Geography

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environmental economics 197,
exchange 227, 228
feudalism 249
financial exclusion 255
footloose industry 260
game theory 267
globalization 309
gross domestic product
(GDP) 319
growth theory 321
Hotelling model 345
housing class 346
labour market404–6
local–global relations 424
modernity 473
neo-liberalism 497
normative theory 505
periodic market systems 527
plantation 543
Postan thesis 560
public services 601
squatting 719
staples theory 722
state 723
tariff 741
trade 764
transaction costs 767, 768
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 771
welfare state 808
world-systems analysis 813
market area analysis 714
market efficiency 496
market share 345
marketing principle 76, 77
Markov process/Markov
Bayesian analysis 43–4
simulation 683
stochastic process 724
Markusen, Ann 593
historical demography 332
nuptuality 506
Marsden, Terry K.
biotechnology 50
locality 425
sustainability 738
Marsh, C.
questionnaire 613–14
survey analysis 736
Marsh, George Perkins
environmental history
geography, history of 296
Marshall, Alfred
clusters 92
external economies 234–5
industrial district 375
industrial geography 378
learning regions 416
location theory 426, 427
neo-classical economics 495

Marshall, T.H. 84
Marshall Plan 321
Marston, S.A. 665
Marston, S.K.
film 253
urban geography 785
Martin, D. 276
Martin, Ron
institutional economics 386
knowledge economy 401
relevance 642
Marx, Karl
accumulation 3–4
alienation 23
analytical Marxism 26–7
base and superstructure 42
capital 59
capitalism 59, 61
class 88
commodity 99, 100
communism 103
community 104
cosmopolitanism 117
creative destruction 119
crisis 121
critical human geography 123
cultural economy 129
deconstruction 147
dialectic(s) 157, 158
ecological imperialism 175
economic growth 182
everyday life 224
geographical imagination 283
geography 294
globalization 309
historical materialism 335,
human geography 351
humanism 356
ideology 366
industrial geography 377
infrastructure 383
labour theory of value 406–7
location theory 427
Marxism 444, 445
Marxist economics 446
metaphor 456
individualism 457
mode of production 468
modernism 470
modernity 472
money and finance 476
naturalism 492
NIDL 500
peasant 524
philosophy 531
political economy 548, 549
political geography 550
primitive accumulation 580,
production of space 592
rational choice theory 621
regional geography 635

rent 644
situationists/situationism 685
slum 688
social capital 689
social construction 690
social formation 692
social theory 698, 699
space 708
spatial fetishism 712
spatiality 717
stages of growth 720
teleology 742–3
terms of trade 743
time–space compression 757
trialectics 776
tricontinentalism 777
uneven development 781
Africa, idea of 11
analytical Marxism26–7
anarchism 28
base and superstructure 42–3
Brenner thesis 56
capital 58–9
collective consumption 93
conflict 106
crisis 121
critical human geography 123
critical theory 125
culture 135–6
development 156
dialectical image 158
division of labour 170
domestic labour 171
ecological imperialism 175
economic geography 179–81
economy 185
determinism 197
epistemology 207
essentialism 210, 211
ethnicity 214–16
existentialism 228
feminist geographies 246
flows 257
functionalism 266
geographical imagination 283
geography 295
hegemony 327
historical geography 335
historical materialism 335–6
historicism 336
human agency 347
human geography 351, 352
humanistic geography 357
identity 364
ideology 366–8
infrastructure 382–3
institutional economics 385
internal relations 390
International Relations
(IR) 391
labour process 406
Lamarck(ian)ism 408

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