The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

me join your business. You look like somebody who is motivated and has set
some goals.” Of course not.
If you don’t say something, and if you don’t do something, nothing is
going to happen.
It’s what you say and it’s what you do that counts when you are face-to-
face with your prospect. And if you don’t know what to say and if you don’t
know what to do, well, you’re toast, roadkill, dead meat... it’s ugly. You
have to say something and do something in order to prospect. People won’t
just come running across the street asking you to join just because you have a
goal chart at home.
So the real key is, “Can I learn exactly what to say and exactly what
to do to attract prospects to my business?” Because your prospects don’t
see the home office, they don’t see the mission statement of the company
founders, they don’t see the big computer. All your prospects see is you! So
your prospects have to make up their mind based on what you say and
what you do.
And you can learn those skills. And the great news is that you don’t
have to be a superstar, possess an outgoing personality, be a pushy salesper-
son or a professional hugger, or have great courage. All you have to do is to
learn exactly what to say and exactly what to do—and you can build a big
Want more great news?
Most people are only a few sentences away from success in their net-
work marketing business. By learning a few key icebreakers and a few key
prospecting questions, they can get all of the presentations they need. And
that’s all we ask the prospects to do in our network marketing career. Simply
look at our presentation and then make a decision that is best for them.
That’s it.
So are you still skeptical that skills make a difference? Let’s look at
learning how to fly an airplane. Now, as a pilot, I am going to teach you how
to fly an airplane. Excited? I take you down to the airport and we find a small
single-engine airplane. I strap you in, close the door, wave good-bye...and
just before you take off down the runway, I throw in a CD on goal setting.
What’s going to happen at the end of the runway?
Crash and burn.
So I run down to the end of the runway, pull you out of the wreckage
and say, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”
I drag you to the front of the runway, find another plane (this time we
rent it), and strap you in the pilot’s seat. I close the door, wave good-bye, and
just as you are rolling down the runway, I yell out, “Get motivated!”
What’s going to happen at the end of the runway?
Crash and burn.


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