The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

During the sponsoring process, all prospects wonder: “Can I do what
you did?”
If you follow this simple method of operation, they realize that you said
absolutely nothing about the company or product. So the resounding answer
is, “Yes! I can do this business!”
Resist the tendency to become an expert. If you do, you may actually
end up losing credibility. Stay humble. Let the experts be a third-party tool
and your sponsor. It’s the most efficient and effective way to get the story told
in its entirety, perfectly every single time—and have it told hundreds, even
thousands of times per day on your team.
Using third-party tools allows average people to make above-average in-
comes and allows above-average people to make extraordinary incomes. It al-
lows your team to grow one, two, three, or more levels deep down each
organizational leg every month, thus breaking the typical growth cycle that
many network marketing organizations experience.

As one of the new breed of rising network marketing stars, Art Jonak has one of
the feel-good stories that keep the dream alive for many. Twelve years ago he
had to count on food stamps to buy milk for his newborn daughter. In his quest
to get out of debt, he worked two jobs and delivered pizzas at night. His rela-
tionships were horrible. Every aspect of his life was spiraling downward—fast.
So he joined network marketing. And like a lot of people, he struggled mightily
for the first few years of his network marketing career. But he never gave up.
Art became an avid student of the industry. He read network marketing
books, listened to audio programs, and attended every event he could. He be-
gan a program of regular self-development. In other words, he did all of the
things your sponsorship line has been telling you to do.
Today he’s blessed with a fast-growing network marketing organization, a
prospering bank account, and a wonderful lifestyle. He and his wife just cele-
brated their first wedding anniversary in Italy and Dubai.
Art has built organizations with distributors numbering in the thousands,
and helped dozens of individuals reach significant leadership positions and in-
come levels in the business. He specializes on the marketing side of network
marketing, teaching others the skills to create prospects, develop recruiting sys-
tems, and produce duplication through the organization. Art is the author of
the “One-Minute Sponsoring Tips for Network Marketers” newsletter.

Creating a Simple Yet Effective Method of Operation 165
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