The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

human frailties that they or any other human being possesses. You must look
just right, act just right, and have a just right family life. No smoking, drink-
ing, swearing, or overeating. Even your teeth must be very straight and
movie-star white. We hold our network marketing leaders to a much higher
Leadership is tough in an all-volunteer network marketing army. When
things go wrong for the troops, and they will, it’s always your fault when
you’re the leader:

Rule 1:Network marketing mortals are not accountable for any of their
own actions or outcomes. If they were accountable they wouldn’t quit
and they wouldn’t blame you. It’s easier to rationalize away the respon-
sibility for your own failures when you can blame it on your leaders. I
didn’t say leadership was easy, did I?
Rule 2:If anything ever goes wrong for a member of your team, refer to
rule 1.

The closer you get to becoming a leader or network marketing rock
star, the bigger target you become for the average networker when they dis-
cover your flaws. To go along with the fame and fortune, you must develop a
thick skin.


No one can manage a team of 5,000 or even 500 dependent distributors. So
you must define to them your job as team leader. Let everyone know that you
are available to help him or her build his or her business. Let them know that
no matter how deep they fall within your team, you will do two-on-ones
with them if they are local to you and that you will do three-way calls at two
in the morning if need be. Make sure everyone understands that if they want
to build their business, you are there for them. In other words, you’ll match
their effort.
If you have a team member who gives a 3 percent effort, match it. If you
have a team member giving all that he has, match that, too, when you’re help-
ing him to succeed. Let your team members know that all personal training
time is spent in the field helping them to build their business and that you are
available for this training anytime they wish. When you build your business
this way, only your leaders will call you. That means that almost all of your
time will be spent building your business.
Once someone has proven to be a leader through their actions, not
words, jump all over them. Become their new best friend. Get to know them


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