The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

These can be a lot of fun, create a bond among local people, and serve as a
great way to build your business fast. All local distributors need to do is to in-
vite prospects to the meeting and let the presenter do the work for them. If
you are organizing it, you may have to be the first presenter, or find someone
who can do an adequate job. You may also want to offer training meetings on
a monthly basis. Meetings are in vogue again and working very well for many
companies. The personal touch of local gatherings is something that long-dis-
tance sponsoring will never be able to accomplish.


Chat rooms can supply a free and endless supply of targeted prospects day or
night. Go to the bigger ones like Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL and head to the
health or small business rooms. You’ll need to abide by their rules. Usually
you can send an instant message to any of the people in the room privately.
This is the best way to work the rooms, one person at a time. Stay focused
and start by breaking the ice. Ask, “How are you doing today?” After they re-
spond, you might say something like, “Are you open to checking out a cool
and lucrative part-time home business?” Then gently and quickly lead them
to your company web site and brief company overview recorded phone mes-
sage. Give them your contact information if they are interested and try to get
their contact information for follow-up later. You could prospect all day and
night, offering your income opportunity to hundreds of new people weekly
with this method. With consistent daily action, you are sure to find some in-
terested people, many of whom will become lifelong friends and business
partners. The more you work this method, the better you will get at creating
value for people to explore the possibility of working with you.



Go to the stores where you see all those business cards that business owners,
salespeople, and network marketers post. Put yours there, too, but better than
that, write down in a notebook the names and contact information of the en-
trepreneurs who put their cards there. These are the kind of people you want
in your business. Go home and start contacting them.


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