The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

open and actively pursue these new connections. Each of the different ap-
proaches I’ve outlined here requires different personality strengths and
styles, as well as different time and financial budgets. Find a few things that
you can easily see yourself doing, and maybe one that seems like a stretch.
Then test them all to see which work best for you considering the resources
available to you. Be flexible, be creative, be methodical, and be persistent—
and you’ll be successful!

Amy Posner is the CEO of Leads Lab. Born with an entrepreneurial spirit, she
was a partner in three traditional businesses before the age of 35. Introduced to
network marketing in 1994, she became a top income earner and created online
training systems and audio and print marketing and training materials. Posner
has traveled throughout the United States and Canada teaching others how to
recruit, train, and inspire network marketing teams and showing people how to
achieve their goals.
Network marketing has given her the time, flexibility, and freedom to do
the things she enjoys most and has had a positive impact on her life in so many
ways. Work is now a more natural part of her life that fits in with everything
else she does. Posner now spends her time doing the things that matter most to
her: helping other people live their lives this same way is her work. It doesn’t get
any better than that!
To learn more about Amy Posner and her leads company, visit

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