The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

How would you like to have 100 percent automatic marketing? While a truly
100 percent hands-off system is a fantasy, I can tell you that achieving a 98 per-
cent automated marketing system is not, when you use something called au-
toresponders. An autoresponder is the Internet’s equivalent of a fax-back
system on steroids...lots and lots of steroids. All your prospects do is fill out a
form on your web site or send a blank e-mail to a special address, and presto,
your autoresponder system will send an e-mail out to them on autopilot. The
system is completely hands-off for you once you program the autoresponder
with your e-mail messages. (For an example of a down and dirty autoresponder
sign-up form in action, visit and go about
three-quarters of the way down the page. You’ll see how I give away samples of
my site for free when people simply enter a name and e-mail address.)
Now here’s where it gets exciting and why I consider autoresponders one
of my secret weapons. You can have the same autoresponder system set up to
send your prospects a series of e-mails and messages, completely on autopilot
and on a schedule you determine. You can send them e-mails for a week, or one
a day for a year, or one a month, whatever you want to happen. This sequenc-
ing feature is what makes autoresponders extremely powerful. You only have to
do the work once to set up the autoresponder messages and then they’ll go out
forever, until you pull the plug. I’ve tested many third-party autoresponder sys-
tems and highly recommend to get you
started. It’s very inexpensive and very easy to set up.
So exactly how should you add autoresponders into your network mar-
keting business? I recommend you build three main autoresponder lists:

  1. Prospects and leads.With this autoresponder, you can constantly
    communicate with your prospects and educate them about network
    marketing and your opportunity.

  2. Customers.You should use this list to keep in touch with your exist-
    ing customers and build a relationship on autopilot. Educate them
    on how to best use your product or service. Ask them for testimoni-
    als and questions. Encourage referrals. And even let them know
    about other things they can purchase from you.

  3. Downline.Do you have a certain amount of training and education
    you want everyone in your team to get? Then use an autoresponder
    to help out. Not only can you make sure important information gets
    to each new team member, but you can also send out broadcast e-
    mails on a regular basis to remind your downline of conference calls,
    announcements, and other important events.

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