The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

own communication. You are well on your way to success when you begin
to prune, clip, and reshape your daily communication. If you are a victim
of other people’s attitudes, distractions, excuses, and body language, then
you are destined to sacrifice your better future. So many people blame oth-
ers for their circumstances. We have all done it. You can enter every cir-
cumstance and say, “I made that happen!” Good or bad, it will support
your growth. You won’t have to wallow in the mess. Just acknowledge it,
clean it up, and try again.
In any partnership, the two people have a dynamic impact on each
other’s destiny. They modify behaviors, which modify actions, which cause
different results. Any small change in behavior on one person’s part affects
the other. It is the yin and the yang of personal interaction, and you can im-
pact your own destiny in a very simple manner.
If you wake up in the morning and you have a bad attitude or some-
thing happens during your day that changes your productive state of mind,
you can change it very simply. If you are unhappy, distracted, or a little frus-
trated with your partner, child, or another employee or distributor, start
singing or humming your favorite song. Only one of two things will happen—
you will begin feeling great quickly or you will stop singing.
Posturing is your ability to take control of the direction. You are not al-
ways in control of the outcome, but you can modify the direction of a conver-
sation over a day or in a business cycle or quarter. How you respond to each
action is posturing. Do people know you are upset, interested, successful, tal-
ented, or broke? How do they know? Poker is a great example of a game
where your posture is often dictated by your true vision. How powerful, emo-
tional, important is your true vision? Does it drive you, guide you, and inspire
you? If it doesn’t, it’s not your true vision for your life.


The great Chinese warrior, leader, and philosopher, Sun Tzu believed that
whoever has the longest-term perspective wins the battle. The battle is for
your mind, your vision, your happiness, and your daily life. What is your true
vision? How far away does it look to you? If your true vision is near, people
tend to have momentum, excitement, productivity, and the ability to attract
success. If it feels far away, people tend to be depressed, frustrated, angry, and
resentful, and they repel any opportunity to make progress.
Most people’s fundamental communication styles are forged by the age
of 6. It takes a conscious and courageous effort to unlearn some often misun-
derstood comments or nonverbal mannerisms that communicate about what
we think and believe. This powerful communication transcends the phone
lines as well. People can hear your tone, your attitude, and your belief. This


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