eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

(sharon) #1

Saylor URL: http://www.saylor.org/books Saylor.org

Source: Used by permission from Wicked Uncle.

The aim of the redevelopment was to make a gift buyable in under a minute. The new Web site would

also allow Wicked Uncle to build up a database of users so that it could start one-to-one marketing to

a database of subscribers. The look and feel of the first Web site was maintained, but the Web site

was restructured to be more usable and to make the content more available to search engines.

Figure 13.9

Find a gift in under one minute.

Source: Used by permission from Wicked Uncle.

The site was previously built to be 800 × 600 pixels, which is a resolution used by only 7 percent of

the target market. The new Web site was built in 1024 × 768 pixels, which not only allowed more

room but also is much better suited to the target market. More than 92 percent of the target UK

market has high-resolution monitors.
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