Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

This is a very readable article and very easy to scan for information.

  1. Organization of Information
    Believe it or not, the way you organize information in an article can
    strengthen readability. Users are guided with ease through content that is
    properly organized because information is easier to find. This veers into
    issues beyond the scope of this article but is still very important.

  2. Clean Graphical Implementation
    Every text body needs some sort of visual support, be it an image, icon,
    graph or illustration. Placing the graphic in the article can be challenging.
    Sufficient space is needed between the graphic and text.

If the graphical element is an image, then a clean border is a good idea for
providing a clean separation from the text. Borders can help guide the
user՚s eyes and are good for adding style to content. It is important,

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