Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
 ... Gabriel Morris

beauty and femininity that was very attractive. I had truly enjoyed
the time we’d spent together over the summer. Though we had
never made love, we’d slept together a number of nights, kissing
and caressing one another. We’d felt a mutual trust and intimacy,
as best as I could tell at least, that let us open our souls to one an-
But all that we had previously shared felt suddenly like a past life,
as I realized that, as part of me had feared, Amy had not had a similar
desire to continue our relationship from where we’d left it months
before. She had merely invited me to visit as one friend offering an-
other friend a place to stay for a little while.
But why, then, had she said that I could stay as long as I wanted?
Especially in a one-room studio, while she was seeing someone else?
Her open-arms invitation over the phone certainly didn’t convey the
fact that she was already in a relationship with somebody. I couldn’t
piece it together. I found myself awash in disappointment, growing
into frustration as I wondered what to do next with my life, where
to go onwards from there.
But at least, amidst all the miscommunication, we were still glad
to see one another, and tried to make the best of the situation. She
seemed sincere about letting me stay as long as I wanted or needed.
Since I didn’t know where I was going next, I resolved to stay with
her for a while and try to enjoy the time together. Maybe it would
work out for the best. There must be some reason why I had come
all the way out here, even if it wasn’t readily apparent. Perhaps it
would work out for me to live with her through the winter, save up
a little money, and then have the spring and summer before me to
make up my mind what I was doing next in my life.
However, after I’d met her boyfriend, Michael—a nice, somewhat ec-
centric 29-year-old musician—a few days later and noticed my feelings
of resentment in response to their exchange of affection, it became clear
that I wasn’t going to end up enjoying myself much while I was there.
After a week, I decided that I needed to leave Austin as soon as I
could. It was just too painful to stay there, wanting so badly to share

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