A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POZMB OP ll:m.10101f.

Bm~oLtl an emblem of our human mind
Crowded with thoughts that need a aetUed home,
Yet, like to edd~g balla of foam
Within tbia whirlpool, they aa.oh other chua
Round and rotmd, and neither find
An outlet. nor a restin~-plaoe l
if such diaqutetude be thine,
F&ll on thy knees and aue for help divine.

As men from men
Do, in the constitution of their eoW.,
Dift'er, by mystery not to be explain'd;
And ae we f&ll by various ways, and ai.nk
One deeper than another, eelf-eondemn'd,
Through manifold degrees of guilt and ahAme;
So manifold and various are the w11ys
Of reatora.tion, f11ehion'd to the atepe
Of aU infirmity, and tending all
To the same point, attainable br all-
Pe&ee in ounelvea and union w1Ut our God.

' ' ~le11eb ar.c t~ Jlt.rc:ifztl"

-MB&caOL God I
And we, thy ening creatures, due refu.ae
Pardon to a eon trite, en ing brother I
Wei-poor debtors to Thy gracious bounty-
Who owe to Tbeethe common pririlege
or dlilly life-the varied joys of senae---
Tbe ricllea, aud the fair delights of earth,
ADd air, and aky, and the all·gladd'ning ann,
ADd the rich gifta of mind and heart ;-and more,
The firm aaaurance of the life to come,
ADd the ~ood newa of pardon, 'peace, and love,
Proclaim a of ~race to All, by Thy dear Soo.

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