Thermodynamics and Chemistry

(Kiana) #1


Residual entropy, 155 – 156
electric, 44 , 88 , 169
internal, 455
Resistor, electrical, 60 , 88 , 90
condensation, 440
vaporization, 440
Reverse of a process, 64
adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, 75
adiabatic surface, 119
expansion and compression, 71
expansion of an ideal gas, 126
expansion work, 77
heating, 126
isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, 75
phase transition, 69
process, 62 , 62 – 66 , 94 – 95 , 101 , 102 ,
work, 94
Rotating local frame, 276 , 502 – 503
Rubber, thermodynamics of, 148 p
Rumford, Count, 62 , 63 b

Salt bridge, 457
Salting-out effect on gas solubility, 405 , 414 p
Saturated solution, 385
temperature, 203
vapor pressure, 203
Second, 470
Second law of thermodynamics
Clausius statement, 103
equivalence of Clausius and
Kelvin–Planck statements,
108 – 110
Kelvin–Planck statement, 104 , 118 , 121
mathematical statement, 102 , 125
derivation, 115 – 123
Sedimentation equilibrium, 279
Shaft work, 81 , 81 – 86
Shear stress, 30
SI, 19
base units, 20 , 470
derived units, 20
prefixes, 21
Simple mixture, 308
Solid, 30 , 36
viscoelastic, 31
Solid compound, 386 , 428 , 436
of mixture components, 386 – 389

Solidus curve for a binary system, 426
curve, 383
for a binary solid–liquid system, 426
of a gas, 405 – 407
ideal, 406
of a liquid, relation to Henry’s law
constant, 393
of a solid, 385
of a solid electrolyte, 389 – 391
of a solid nonelectrolyte, 385 – 386
Solubility product, 390 , 461
temperature dependence, 391
Solute, 223
reference state, 252 – 253 , 259
Solution, 223
binary, 224
in a centrifuge cell, 276 – 279
ideal-dilute, 252
multisolute electrolyte, 292
process, 324
regular, 309
saturated, 385
solid, 245 , 428
Solvent, 223
activity coefficient of, 370 n
behavior in an ideal-dilute solution,
254 – 255 , 401
Species, 222 , 419
quantity, 29
volume, 29
Spontaneous process, 62 , 64 – 66 , 101 , 129 ,
boiling point, 204
cell potential, 461 , 462
evaluation, 464
chemical potential,seeChemical
potential, standard
composition, 253
concentration, 253
electrode potential, 465
hydrogen electrode, 465
melting point, 204
molality, 253
mole fraction, 254
pressure, 39 , 181 , 274 , 359 p, 467 p
Standard molar
properties, values of, 504 – 506
quantity, 185
evaluation of, 410 – 411
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