Privity of contract 65 Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 now provide that damages can be award ...
66 Chapter 2Making a contract Formalities In general, contracts can be created without the need for any special formalities. The ...
Formalities 67 Contracts which must be made by a deed A conveyance of a legal estate in land must be made by a deed. Also, a lea ...
68 Chapter 2Making a contract the person giving the guarantee and must contain all the material terms of the contract of guarant ...
Practice questions 69 Essential points n A contract is a legally binding agreement. n A contract is formed when an offer is acce ...
70 Chapter 2Making a contract guarantee that this was true. The advertisement stated: ‘We are so confident that we are the cheap ...
Task 2 71 that it is safer to employ people who do not work for the same organisation. One night, one of the security guards pho ...
Chapter 3 The terms of the contract The terms of a contract define the obligations which the parties to the contract have undert ...
Nature of terms 73 Express terms A contract is formed when an offer is accepted. The offeror proposes a set of terms. If the off ...
74 Chapter 3The terms of the contract In a similar way, customs of a particular locality will be implied into contracts made in ...
Types of terms 75 Types of shares If any term is breached the injured party will always have a remedy for breach of contract. Th ...
76 Chapter 3The terms of the contract It might be thought that the right to terminate a contract is of little importance if dama ...
Terms implied by statute 77 case law on statutory implied terms is concerned with terms implied by the Sale of Goods Acts. We th ...
78 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Rowland vDivall (1923) (Court of Appeal) A thief stole a car from its owner and sold the c ...
Terms implied by statute 79 Where there is a chain of innocent sellers, the loser will generally be the person who bought from t ...
80 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Christopher Hull Fine Art Ltd (1991)the Court of Appeal held that two paintings had not be ...
Terms implied by statute 81 Section 13(2) provides that goods can be sold by both sample and description. If they are, they must ...
82 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Satisfactory quality (s. 14(2)) Section 14(2) of the SGA 1979 provides that: Where the sel ...
Terms implied by statute 83 Circumstances in which s. 14(2) will not be implied Even where goods are sold in the course of a bus ...
84 Chapter 3The terms of the contract For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their state and condition and ...
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