Terms implied by statute 85 Public statements on the specific characteristics of the goods Section 14(2D) provides that where th ...
86 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Fitness for purpose (s. 14(3)) Section 14(3) of the SGA 1979 states that if the buyer expr ...
Terms implied by statute 87 Example Hannah visits a shop and buys a cake. Before buying the cake, Hannah asks the seller whether ...
88 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Sale by sample (s. 15) Section 15 provides that if goods are sold by sample the following ...
The Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act 1973 89 If a sale is made by both sample and description, the bulk of the goods must cor ...
90 Chapter 3The terms of the contract The SGITA 1973 implies terms as to the right to pass ownership, description, quality, fitn ...
The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 91 Contracts of hire Section 7 Right to hire Section 8 Correspondence with description ...
92 Chapter 3The terms of the contract and Services Act 1982 implies a term that the service is carried out using reasonable care ...
The status of the statutory implied terms 93 treat this breach as breach of a condition and will be entitled to reject the car a ...
94 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Additional rights of the buyer in consumer cases The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers ...
Additional rights of the buyer in consumer cases 95 For example, if a consumer bought a very cheap digital watch which did not w ...
96 Chapter 3The terms of the contract of the secondary remedies, rescission of the contract or a reduction of the price. Resciss ...
Exclusion clauses 97 supplied to a consumer, and a consumer guarantee is given, the guarantee takes effect as a contractual obli ...
98 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Because of the unfairness of such cases, Parliament felt the necessity to intervene. In 19 ...
Exclusion clauses 99 An exclusion clause will be effective only if it was agreed as a term of the contract, or if reasonable not ...
100 Chapter 3The terms of the contract The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 Contracts covered by the Act The important sections of ...
The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 101 this as negligence. Therefore, s. 2 UCTA 1977 will determine the extent to which liabilit ...
102 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Figure 3.10 shows how to decide whether or not a person deals as a consumer for the purpo ...
The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 103 Having decided that a person is either dealing as a consumer or dealing on the other part ...
104 Chapter 3The terms of the contract Figure 3.11 The effect of UCTA 1977 ...
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