The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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You stay alert. Aware. Watchful. Attentive. Don’t get lazy and stop watching your
investment, because when her performance dips, it’s usually because you started taking things
for granted.


I can tell you the perfect cure for cheating: If you keep her attraction level high for you by
practicing the methods I’m preaching, she will not cheat on you. Women who cheat on men
do so only for one of two reasons:

  1. It was already over, and he didn’t know it (which means he gave in and became
    a Nice Guy – aka: an insecure, supplicating wimp – along the way),

  2. She has a severe character flaw (promiscuity, low self-esteem, etc.) that you
    need to get away from.

If you are ever cheated on, never return to the relationship. The damage is done, and
you will only be caught in a horrible, soul-twisting spiral of fear and jealousy. Get back out in
circulation and find another woman that you can start clean with. There are about 2.5 billion
women out there, by the way.
No Second Chances. Period.

The Long-Term Relationship ............................................................................................................

A good portion of the men reading this book will want a long term relationship, while
many others will only want casual dating. Your background and beliefs will play a large role in
your decisions and goals with women. I will share my own personal philosophy with respect to
long-term relationships, and you can hold this up in light of your own situation.
I decided at an early age that I didn’t want to get married before I was 30. (That seemed
a respectable age at the time, and I still feel that way now that I’m older.) I knew in my heart that
I would not have enough worldly experience to bond to another person for the rest of my life
until well down the road. So I held out, and I’m glad I did, because I can almost guarantee I
would have had a miserable divorce along the way, and I’m pretty sure a child could have been
caught in the middle along the way. Those risks are always there, but I chose to wait out the
part where it was too likely.

Mistakes often made in long-term relationships and marriages:

  • Mistaking lust for love

  • Unwilling to grow and change, or growing apart rather than together

  • Desire for a family and children (without understanding the sacrifices and effort)

  • Unhealthy needs being fueled in a relationship

LoserBoy: Hey, she looks like she’s sorry
... And you don’t want to have to look for
another woman, do you??
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