The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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knowing when you will. (This is probably one of the reasons that men are
so easily addicted to the women who don’t give them sex regularly. When
you never know if it’s coming, you’re always on your best behavior.)
Animals that are trained for circus acts are only given a treat once every
so often, once the habit has been established. This pattern of uncertainty
induces a more consistent behavior from them.
Now before you get up in arms about what I’m saying, let me state that I
am not proposing you train a woman like a dog or any other animal. But
the principle that underlies this psychological reality is still valid. We all
become jaded after a while, no matter how much your Big Brain says this
isn’t true. Irregular reinforcement is a necessary inconsistency.

The Steal...........................................................................................................................................

The fear of someone coming along and stealing your catch is another trap that is easy to
fall into. It comes from insecurity, plain and simple. We don’t want to risk someone trading us in
for a better model. This is why it is all the more imperative that you use the strategies in this
book to keep a woman’s trust and attraction high enough for you. You see, no one can be
interested in two people to the exact same degree. There is always one that we desire slightly
more. A woman will always want the man that does not smother her and demonstrates a higher
level of the Three S’s. Once she starts to feel that tingle of desire, she will have blinders on.
Have you ever tried to reason with a woman who was in the throes of infatuation? No amount of
logic will keep her away from him, even if he’s a leather-clad biker from hell.
Keep in mind that if another man did come along that raised her attraction for him, he
doesn’t have the information and tactics available to him that you have. If he jumps in your
game, carry on as if it doesn’t fluster you a bit, and you will succeed in demonstrating even
more self-confidence, more self-discipline, and she will be even more attracted to you. While
he’s chasing her with roses and poems, she’ll be wondering why you are so distant and relaxed.
The Mystery will have grabbed her.
Sometimes, competition sweeps in and takes her off her feet, and she’ll even go so far
as to ignore you completely. Rest assured, he’ll move in too fast too soon and make all the
errors I’ve prepared you not to make. It won’t last, if you treat it as insignificant, and she’ll be
back for you with a passion when it’s over. The mistake most men make is to take their
competition too seriously, and they wind up driving the woman even further into his arms with
their jealous obsession. In the end, they turn into a pitiful wreck. (Yet another reason to not be
the one “falling in love” first. You’re at her mercy if you do.)
The more she is attracted to you, the less she will be attracted to other men. She
only has a certain amount of “chase” in her system, and she can only be pursuing one man at a
time, consciously or unconsciously. She can’t dump you if she’s chasing you. Keep acting on
principle, not on her feedback.
Relax, breathe, and keep dating other women.

LoserBoy: Uh-oh ... better hurry up
or this guy could grab her. Send some
flowers or poetry ...
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