The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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planned to see this author at 7:00. Meeting her at this other store would
jeopardize your ability to get a good seat. Tell her you will meet her where you
planned, and you’ll hold a spot for her when she gets done shopping.

  • Disrespect Test: This one comes in two flavors, subtle and not-so-subtle. Disrespect
    from anyone – regardless of gender – should never be tolerated. When you call them
    on it (using your sense of humor so you don’t come off as a jerk), you’ll regain
    respect from both men and women. Here’s what happens when a woman uses
    subtle disrespect:
    o She will very often make a casual remark that could be considered an insult or
    put-down, such as: “Well, I guess if you haven’t been skiing long, moguls would
    scare you.” Let’s assume her tone implied that she wasn’t just giving you a good-
    natured teasing. Your reply? You pause for a second, smirk, look at her directly
    and ask softly, “Really. What do you mean by that exactly?” This will give her a
    very gentle nudge, telling her that you are aware that she may have misspoken,
    and you are giving her a chance to save face. More often than not, she will just
    correct and apologize, but occasionally you get someone who just thinks they
    were pretty darn funny to begin with, and they deepen the hole. “I just meant that
    if you’re not very good, you ought to stay on the beginner slopes. I hate having to
    dodge someone who can’t ski to save their life.” This may be her attempt to
    provoke you into an argument, and it’s easy to let it go there. Later you’ll learn
    that arguments are never really won, so you’re best defense is to cut her off at
    the knees with a little humor. “Really? You’re that good? You must be that skier I
    always envy. Do you give lessons, or are you in training for the Olympics?”
    Deliver that with a smile. If she gets offended or angry, you’re dealing with a
    woman who is probably stiff and bitchy, and you need none of that.
    o In the case of open disrespect, you must put your foot down and make your
    stance abundantly clear. If you accept mistreatment from a woman (or anyone
    else) you will deserve all that you get.
    One method of overt disrespect I showed you how to handle above, but the other
    is when you hear her say something that is blatantly an insult or put-down, such
    as this: Shawn just told Liz about his difficulty with moguls and a fall he took. She
    replies, “Well, dummy, what did you expect would happen? Duh.”
    Even if veiled under laughter or a joking demeanor, this kind of “playfulness” on
    her part is disrespectful, rude, and should be corrected immediately. Shawn’s
    reply is: “You know, Liz, I’ve been pretty impressed with your good manners ...
    until now. I don’t find put-downs attractive from anyone, and I expect more
    respect than that. You should also expect the same from me.” It’s up to Shawn at
    this point to decide if he wants to end the date or give her another chance. She
    may even want to end it, and that is an indication that Shawn may have someone
    who isn’t going to give him a minimum level of respect. Many women seem to
    believe that the put downs that they see passed back and forth on television are
    acceptable in real life, and it’s up to you to ensure that this is not worked over
    The key to this strategy is to ensure that you deliver your correction in a polite
    and non-angry or defensive tone. If you just seem hurt, she’ll think that you are

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