The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Walk around the back of your car slowly and watch her. Did she reach over to unlock
your door? Give her a few chances on this one to allow for her nervousness, but it’s
a pretty good indicator. Another good test is to give her a shoulder rub sometime.
Then, on another meeting when you’ve been able to determine that she’s not too shy
to touch you, talk about how your neck and shoulders are stiff. Does she look at you
with sympathy and gloss over it? Or does she offer to give you a rub, too. By the
third or fourth date, she should be jumping to touch you if you’ve been engaging her
attraction along the way. If she’s not offering ways to help you and make you happier
now, imagine what she’ll be like down the road.

The Truth is that we all need ways of figuring out whether a person is right or wrong for
us. Rather than staying in a relationship by default (i.e., dating her until you can’t take it
anymore), you should keep your eyes open to the behaviors and traits that she has and make
sure they are what you want. She’s testing you along the way, and you should be testing her as

INVESTMENT MECHANISM........................................................................................................................

Women want to do things for you. This is one of the ways in which they prove
themselves to you. Many men shy away from asking women to do favors for them or help them,
and in so doing they miss out on a great opportunity to engage a woman’s investment
mechanism in them.
Ask her to give you some advice, or pick something up for you while she’s on a trip.
Have her come by and help you change your spark plugs. Have her look up a good Italian
restaurant in her part of town so that you can make the reservations. Ask her to loan you a
jacket or an umbrella if it’s raining. Have her walk your dog.
I’m not saying to leech or behave like a deadbeat with a woman. Don’t borrow money, or
ask to use her garage for your band practice. Be thoughtful, and be sure to reciprocate in some
way so that she knows you’re worth her trust. Take her to lunch, or out for a drink. This strategy
will allow you to gain more of her trust as you demonstrate your ability to transact in the
currency of a relationship. This strategy will also get her more emotionally engaged in you,
because we become more attached to those who we have done something for or helped out in
some way.

YOUR PARENTS.......................................................................................................................................

I hate to tell you this, but your mom messed up your head. Your dad had a part in this
programming, too, but I’ll forgive him for the moment since he didn’t have the information I’m
passing along. You see, all those things mom told you about what women want and how to treat
girls and women is pretty much wrong. Your mom-pleasing and acceptance seeking has
distorted your view of what women want.

LoserBoy: Don’t push your luck,
dude... You’re lucky she’s even
seen with you ...
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