The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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get selfish and won’t satisfy her needs, and then she starts looking for those happy
hunting grounds ...

  • Frozen Chick: she has no sex drive, and even if she does put out, it’s a cold and
    disheartening experience that makes you feel as if you are a Bad Man. She makes
    the sounds and the motions, but you know she’s acting. She probably has a deep-
    seated hatred of men. Avoid and move on. You want a relationship with a woman
    who has a healthy sex drive.

  • The Super-sensitive: She needs to hear a lot about your feelings in bed to go
    through with it. Nothing wrong here, she’s just in need of a lot of stroking. You should
    be careful to avoid saying too much to her in bed, since you could well risk ruining
    the mystery of your feelings too early. Give her the reassurance she needs, but do it
    in ways that appreciate her, such as telling her how sexy she looks and feels, how
    she makes you feel so excited, etc.

  • The Dead Fish: Ms. Take it or Leave It when it comes to sex. Doing her is like
    necrophilia. You’d swear she went into a coma the second your clothes came off.
    She might moan once or twice, but you feel almost guilty having sex with her
    because she seems as if she’s imagining she’s bound and gagged. This gal is never
    fun to sleep with, and there’s way too much work here to rehabilitate. Unless she’s
    an occasional sex buddy, consider this a major red flag.

  • The Role-player: She loves to pretend she’s anyone but herself, and that you’re
    anyone but you. This can be fun ... for a while. If she keeps this up too long, you’d
    better be wondering why she doesn’t like reality so much.

  • The Switch Hitter: She’s bisexual, and proud of it. If you’re just looking for a
    threesome, you could be in for some fun, or a disappointment. And if you are the
    jealous type, this gal doubles the potential to raise your doubts. You’ll get a lot of
    pointers on technique, though.

  • The Sexual Controller: She needs to own you to have sex with you, and it’s only on
    her schedule and with her conditions firmly met.

You show me the most beautiful woman in the world, and I’ll show you a guy
who’s tired of having sex with her.

So many guys go to bed with only one requirement for a woman: she has a vagina. But
there is more to it if you want it to last for any amount of time. As far as sex goes, be aware that
even after all you do in bed for a woman, she may simply not be a good sex partner. Many
women are just as incompetent in bed as guys are; it’s just that we have much lower
expectations and easier physiologies.
There are also women on the other end of the spectrum, who appear to want sex, but
are only going through the motions (like Frozen Chick above). I won’t go into much detail here
about the psychology of this (there are whole books written on this condition alone), but suffice
to say there are women with some pretty severe sexual dysfunctions. Many women are
incapable of having an orgasm, and others have been so badly conditioned from early
experiences that they feel they only have sex to please men, not themselves. You’ll get a hint of
what kind of woman you’re with when you learn to fine-tune your awareness and watch her
reactions to what you do.

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