The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Challenge is what you convey overall when you combine these Three S’s to women in
a planned, intelligent pattern of attack.

  1. You’re self-confident enough to know that you don’t need any woman

  2. You’re self-disciplined enough to show it to her with your actions

  3. You use your sense of humor to keep things at a level where you don’t have to
    offend or intimidate her overtly (act like a Jerk)

You challenge her all the time, and let her prove her ability to make you happy along the
way. You’ve got some obligations here, too, but they’re much easier to meet if you go into it with
the Three S’s under your belt. From here on, all the tactics and strategies will use the Three S’s
as a foundation to raise her attraction and interest in you, and keep you from crashing and


This is the big Whammy as far as you’re concerned. A woman cannot be more attracted
to you than she feels trust for you. Your sole job in the initial stages of getting to know a woman
is to demonstrate that you are a trustable man.
What is Trust? Trust is her caution mechanism. It’s her overall ability to feel safe and
comfortable in your presence. Trust is:

  • Her knowledge that you aren’t physically abusive or violent

  • Her knowledge that you aren’t emotionally abusive or violent

  • Her willingness to risk that you won’t hurt her like other guys have

It’s a little bit of psychological tug-of-war. On the other side of her mis-Trust is Desire,
pulling at her, telling her all about the great things you could give her, like validation, happiness,
fun, sex, etc. Desire won’t win until mis-Trust is thrown in the dirt.
The easiest way to make a woman trust you is to be trustable. Don’t lie. Don’t mislead
or misdirect her. Follow through on your word. Be consistent. And don’t just do these things to
get more women – do them because they are the honorable things that real men do. Build real
character. If you try to fake your trustworthiness, you’ll never succeed. She’ll sniff it out right


Women have a hard candy shell on the outside, and they’re soft on the inside. Just like
M&Ms. If you’ve ever tried to dissolve the outside of an M&M just by rolling it around your
mouth, you also know that waiting to get through can be pretty time consuming and frustrating.
You need to be trust that you can bite down and get to the soft part a lot quicker, and without
shattering your teeth in the process.
Women put up a defensive shell around them to protect them from hurt, and it’s your
duty to find a way in. The best way to this is to confront any resistant behavior from her and stop
any excessive bitchy behavior as early as you can. If a woman is being aggressively resistant to

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