The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
Once that happens, you’ve got her.

--The “I don’t like you” Opener

This is an Opener where you suddenly, out of the blue, say to your target:

“Hey, you know what? I don’t like you. We’re not going to get along.”

This is a change from the typical structure of the Insult Opener because you are
starting off with an overt negative statement instead of a compliment. But the
undermining is the same.

Usually a girl will respond like “What? Why?” or “Okaaaay...” to which you
follow up with:

“It’s because we’re too much alike. I can tell we have too much in
common. All we’ll do is fight and fight and fight and fight and have hot,
steamy make-up sex, and fight some more. And I can’t be in a
relationship like that, it’s just too emotionally charged.”

You undermine the insult by following it up with a commonality, and then make a
joke out of it.

This is a rather overtly sexual Opener, because of the “make-up sex” line, but in a
way it relieves the hostile tension while replacing it with a sexual tension, which
is a good thing.

This Opener does quite well for me in Bars and Clubs.


The Insult Opener isn’t always the best way to start off an interaction, but sometimes it’s
necessary to prey on your target’s insecurities as well as play against expectations of
presenting yourself as neutral or favorable of your target. By setting yourself up as
someone your target has something to prove to, you can effectively shift the
responsibility of starting a conversation to your target instead of you trying to engage

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