Finally, there is a LOT of competition in Bars and Clubs. This is because other men will
go to them looking to pick up a girl for the night. If this doesn’t bother you, good, but it
can make things more difficult.
So if you’re up for a challenge, or just looking to get out and unwind, Bars and Clubs can
be good, because it is possible to meet women there and take them home for a good time,
or hook up with them down the road. Just note that a great deal of the women you meet
in these places will be “Party Girls,” and they are the hardest ones to have a stable type of
relationship with, so know that going in. They also tend to drink and smoke more than
normal girls. However, they can also be a great deal of fun.
If you’re into the Bar and Club scene, do your research to find out where the women go
on what night. A particular place may be really good on Friday nights, but completely
suck on Saturdays. Find out what bars and clubs are in your area, and either call them up,
or go to them. Ask the bartender or manager what nights are good. They’ll usually tell
Bars and Clubs with a “Ladies Night” are good bets, because women will flock there for
cheap drinks. Some places have great Happy Hours, and you’ll find lots of women there
after work or around dinner time. If a bar or a club has a special band or DJ playing one
night, that will usually be a good night to go, because popular bands and DJs will usually
not only attract good crowds, but will also have fans who follow them from venue to
venue (in the case of loud bands, I like to spend my time on the patio or outside the club
and talk to the women out there, because it’s impossible to meet women when a loud
band is playing unless you’re apt to dance). Clubs with a dance floor and DJs are good
bets too.
Bet you never thought of this one, huh? Believe it or not, hotels are amazing places to
meet women. Now, I’m not talking about your local “Motel Six,” I’m talking about the
major hotels in your area. The kind that host events and cater to vacationers and the like.
These places will usually have bars, restaurants, and poolside areas. Four and Five star
hotels are the best for this.
Usually, you’ll want to target the bar areas and the poolside areas (weather permitting).
Many times, you’ll find women from out of town chilling out here, and maybe their
lonely, or bored, or just looking for a good time. Sometimes they’ll be with co-workers,
sometimes with friends or family, and sometimes they’ll even be by themselves. If
you’re a native, and they’re in town for a while, you can even offer to show them around
town (after all, you know all the best places to go, don’t you?).
Sometimes you’ll even find locals who like to go to the hotels because it’s a more laid
back atmosphere than your typical bar or club. Indeed, the atmosphere at these types of
hotels is fantastic, and very conducive to meeting women.
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