The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

My religion had placed so much importance on sex, that this importance transferred itself
onto the women I lusted after.

Because sex was supposed to be “special,” and only with “the one you love,” I regarded
women very highly. I placed them on pedestals. They were sacred to me, like something
I was not worthy of possessing.

This REALLY screwed me up in the head.

When this happens, you begin to have “worthiness” issues. You feel like you’re inferior
to women, and must “win” their affection. You begin to associate acceptance from
women as proof of your own self-worth.

Why? Because they control the sex! And if they’re willing to have sex with you (or be
romantic with you), you feel that you’re now someone who’s worthy of love and

This is what organized religion installs in us men.


Women are people, just like you and me. They aren’t special. They aren’t sacred.
They’re bags of flesh and bone too, and the sooner you realize that, the happier you’ll be.

After all, you can’t truly be happy with someone you feel is worth more than you. And
they certainly can’t be happy with someone they feel is inferior to them.

That is why I encourage men to believe and follow the CORE of their faith, and not the
bullshit dogma and rules placed upon us by the organized governing body of the faith.

The core beliefs come from God. The bullshit comes from man.

Here’s what I personally believe:

  1. Treat all people with respect and kindness.

  2. Fight against those who do wrong to others.

  3. Do not do anything to anyone you would not want done to you.

  4. Be honest with yourself.

  5. Be honest with others, even when it hurts to do so.

  6. Believe you are worthy of happiness.

  7. Spread your happiness to those who deserve it.

  8. Help those who deserve your help.

  9. Never feel guilty for what you want.

  10. Do not be afraid to fail when striving for something you want.

Let me give you a brief history lesson...

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