The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


The human mind is a fascinating thing.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say your brain is the ULTIMATE attraction mechanism.

This is because whatever you focus on, you will attract to you.

Think about this for a moment... have you ever decided you were going to do something?
Maybe it was something you wanted to do for a long time, and never felt the time was
right for it? Maybe it was taking a trip somewhere, or doing a special activity, or
achieving some type of goal?

And you found that when you set your mind to it, you were able to achieve it?

You actually WENT on that trip.

You actually DID that activity.

You actually ACHIEVED that goal.

And you did it because you focused on what you wanted. You allowed your brain to
attract to you everything you needed to get what you wanted.

That is the power of the human mind – the power to attract that which it focuses on.

Which is why negativity is like POISON to helping you achieve what you want.

After I moved out to Los Angeles – a move which was very difficult for me, because I
was three thousand miles away from anyone I knew – a good friend of mine decided to
move out to Los Angeles to become a screenwriter.

He had written a script which I thought was pretty good, and I encouraged him to pursue
his writing, because I believed in his talent.

However, HE did not believe in his talent. Instead of focusing on everything he had
going for him, he would focus on everything he had going against him.

His job sucked.

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