Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
consumption culture 153–4
culture as 2, 4–5
ontological pluralism 560–1
mediaries 9
medical geography 66–7
Meinig, Donald 270, 271
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 220,
275–6, 279
meta-governance 142
miasmic theory 384
Michel, S. 196
micro-states 465
migrants and migration 305, 494
postcolonialism 369–80, 389
transnationality 75–7, 79,
80–1, 82–4
workers 234, 236–7, 243–4
military 262, 477, 478
Mill, J.S. 428
Mills, Sara 361
mimicry 385
mind and body spaces 45
mirror of representation 523, 524
mirrors 558–9, 567
Mitchell, Don 116–17, 211,
214–15, 228, 229–30,
233–48, 279, 414–15, 526
Mitchell, Katharyne 39, 40, 74–87
Mitchell,W.J.T. 277, 279
Mitchell,W.T. 264
mobility 7, 82, 296, 334
‘model’ villages 259
modernism 74, 385
modernity 74, 108, 154, 422,
433–53, 546
modernization 74
Modood,Tariq 306–7
Mohanty, C.T. 406–7, 409, 410,
Mohr, Jean 228
money cultures 116–30
Monopoly model 25–6
Moodie, A.E. 500, 503
Moore, Donald 173–4
Moore-Gilbert, B. 386–7, 390
Moore, S. 444
Moraga 244, 245
moral geography 194,
279–80, 360
moral landscape 197–9
Morgan, Robin 479
Morin, Karen 364
Moss, Pamela 40, 41, 58–73
Mugerauer, Robert 539–40

multinationals 142
multiple sclerosis 68
multiplier effects 84
Muniesa, F. 121–2
mutualism 166
myalgic encephalomyelitis
(ME) 68
Myers, G.A. 390, 392

Nader, L. 558
Nagar, Richa 350
Namaste, Ki 66
naming 408
Nancy, J.-L. 428–9
Narayan, Uma 410, 412
Nardi, Bonnie 540–1
Nast, Heidi 304, 320, 478
nation, landscape 262–4
national identity 475
nationalism 79, 464–5, 466, 477
national parks 254–5, 263–4
national sovereignty 464
nation-building 371, 447–8
nationhood 66
nation-state 54, 465, 469
labour culture 103
landscape 262–3
modernity 448
postcolonialism 377
native geographies 364–5
naturalization 259–60, 261,
466, 499
nature 7, 31, 165–225
animal geography 20, 184–206
landscape 166, 171, 207–25,
in the making 168–83
ontological pluralism
560, 561–4
queer geography 321, 325–38
Nayak, Anoop 284, 285,
286, 300–12
Nelson, Lise 68
neoclassical economics 91
neoliberalism 48, 487
neotribalism 155
networks 77, 138, 413–14
Newbigin, Marion 184
new economy 148, 152
Newman, Katherine 107
new retail geography 157
Newstead, Clare 458–9, 485–97
Nike 26–7, 29–30, 159
Nokia 463, 468
non-equilibrium ecology 439

non-representational theory
38, 166, 180, 287–8
NordicTrack 65
normalization 526
nostalgia 350, 372
nuclear war 503
nudity 253, 261
Nystuen, J.D. 514

objectification 51, 153, 213
objectivity 523
object relations theory 47
object world 287
occidentalism 302
O’Day,Vicki 540–1
O’Kane, Maggie 480–1
olfactory-verbal gap 11–12
Olivella, Manuel Zapata 492
Olsson, Gunnar 528
Olwig, Kenneth 230
One Nation Party 308
ontological pluralism 557–69
ontology 512–16
oppression 62–3, 65–7, 407
organizational cultures 109–10
orientalism 347, 356–7, 384
other 27, 364–5, 460, 559, 565–7
Ó Tuathail, G. 480
Oxford Circus 26–7, 29

Paasi, Anssi 456–7, 458,
462–72, 480
Packard, Randall 436
Pannitch, L. 99, 100
Parekh, B. 425
Parker, G. 501
Park, Robert 548
parks 259, 261, 264, 502
Parmar, Pratibha 406
Parr, Hester 45
Passmore, J. 562
path dependency 135, 142
Peach, Ceri 548
Peake, L. 286, 308
Pearson, Mike 278–9
Peet, Dick 91
Perera, Nihal 369
performativity 64, 68, 124–5
perfume 11–12
perspective 253
pet keeping 186, 187, 190
petrocapitalism 173
Pettman, J.J. 478
phenomenological approach 524
Phillips, Richard 360


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