The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings
25 Selection tests for restorers are documented in the archives of 1769–98 and 1848; since 1936 they appear quite regularly. 26 ...
45 Vindry 1969; in fact, it was a picture of Neefs, Saint Pierre délivré de prison,Louvre (inv. 1591). 46 Inv. 748, Titian, Le C ...
64 Bazin insists on “the importance of the support in the historical document which the painting constitutes”; the destruction o ...
Bergeon, S. 1975 Contribution à l’histoire de la restauration des peintures en Italie du XVIIIe siècle et au début du XIXe siècl ...
1983b Le transport, le séjour et la restauration à Paris de “La Sainte Cécile” de Raphaël, 1796–1815. In Indagini per un dipinto ...
Mouseion 1938 Réparation, consolidation, transfert. Chap. 16 of special issue, “La conservation des peintures.” Mouseion1938:239 ...
T of wood to environmental conditions presents special problems for the conservation of panel pain ...
condition described at the time of treatment at the Fogg with their condi- tion in the mid-1970s. The panels were found to be st ...
tion, the adhesive used was made mostly of resin, with wax added. In con- trast, the second stage used a largely wax adhesive, w ...
the gesso layer. New gesso and silk gauze were applied to the back of the remaining gesso layer, followed by a linen fabric and ...
Kolch quotes from a treatment proposal prepared by Richard Buck in 1948 that clearly illustrates the thinking behind these treat ...
about^5 / 8 [in.] in thickness. These blocks with adhesive were pressed by hand onto the fabric surface in a brick-like pattern ...
Eventually the success of this backing system suggested that it could be used safely to reduce deformation in warped panels with ...
He also demonstrated that while moisture barriers can slow the reaction of panels to environmental change, they probably cannot ...
involves the minute structure that Barkas has defined as a gel and that has the potential to revert when exposed to high or cycl ...
Several factors reduce the ability of this process to prevent the development of warping in panel paintings. In the first place, ...
the paint, the compression will be lessened. The intention of the balsa- backing method is to introduce as much deformation in t ...
panel paintings. It seems fair to say that the intention of the uniformback- ing is to produce a panel with a minimum of elastic ...
degree of plasticity due to the gradual drying under restraint from the backing. Furthermore, Buck felt that although the balsa ...
1952 A note on the effect of age on the hygroscopic behavior of wood. Studies in Conservation1:39–44. 1961 The use of moisture b ...
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