Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Cooperative principle, 724–730
Co-opted adaptation, 648
Co-opted spandrel, 648
Correlation, 128, 780, 795–797
Correlational studies, 119–120
Correlational theories, 19
Cortical lattice, 837
Creole, 696–698
Critical period hypothesis of language learning,
Critical period hypothesis of skill learning, 846
Crystallizing experiences, 773
Cued recall tests, 315
Cue validity, 254, 255, 260, 269

Darwin, Charles, 640–641, 645
Data-driven processing, 140, 176–177, 185,
Debriefing, 125
Decision making, 448, 585–600
Deep structure, in auditory scene analysis,
Delta rule, 84, 469
Demand characteristics, 124
Dennet’s ‘‘good city’’ test, 40, 41
Dependent variable, 117
Depth cues, 165, 170
Depth perception, 166, 207
mechanisms, 68
Descartes, Rene ́, 37, 110, 685
Description invariance, 607
Descriptive studies, 120–121
experimental, 115–130 (seealsoBetween-
subjects design; Within-subjects design)
principles of (in product design), 419
Detection task, 374
Determinism, 626
Development, cognitive (effect on
Diary studies, 389–390
Dichotic listening, 150–151, 365
Differential motion cue, 171
Differential reproductive success, 641
Digit-span task, 543
Discrimination failures, 389
Dishabituation, 244
Disjunctive events, 595
Disorders of visual attention, 376–377
Disparity (binocular), 166–167
Distal stimulus, 138–139, 143
Distance cue, 170
Distinctive events, 322–323, 325–326
Distinctive features, 254, 404
Droodles, 176
Dualism, 3–7, 110–111.SeealsoMind-body

Early vision, 404–405
Echoes, 241
Ecological optics theory, 147
Ecological validity, 223, 347
Effect sizes, 127
Eidetic imagers, 327
Elaborative rehearsal, 329
Electroencephalogram (EEG), 845
Element aggregation, 197
Element connectedness, 195–197, 200
Eliciting preference, 610
Emotion, 495–496
Empiricism, 143
Encoding failure, 296
Encoding specificity, 341, 350
Environment of evolutionary adaptedness
(EEA), 643–644
Epiphenomenalism, 5
Eugenics, 850
disjunctive, 595
distinctive, 322–323, 325–326
recent, 322
role of objects in, 266–268
Evidence-processing system, 234
Evolution, 239, 639–660, 665–679
Exaptation, 639–660
Exclusive allocation, principle of, 221
Executive routines, 316
Expectations, 180–184
Experience error, 191
Experimental conditions, 118
Experimental design, 115–130
design flaws, 121–122
ethical considerations, 125–126
types, 123–125
Expert systems, 44

Failure, 623–624
Family of meanings, 272–275
Family resemblances, in categories, 262, 272,
Fan effect, 346, 348–349
Feature detector, 455
Feature integration theory, 372–374
Feature maps, 404
Feedback paths, neural loops, 835
Feedback (principle of, in HCI), 437
Figural goodness, 160–161
Figurative language, 733–747
Figure/ground, 158–160
Filling in, 70, 73, 232–235, 510–511
Fitness (classical), 641
Fitness theory (inclusive), 641
Fixation, 163
Focal epilepsy, 833
Focal instances, 280

Index 857
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