Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Cattell Culture Fair test of, 789
genetic basis of, 806–807
multiple intelligences theory, 762, 772, 776
neurophysiological basis of, 787–788
raw, 766
unitary, 783–789, 794
Intentionality, 4
Interactionism, 5
Interference, 344–349, 350, 380, 463
Interposition, 169, 171
Invariance, 350
Invariant pitch-class representation, 458
Invariants of experiences (regarding memory),
320, 321
Inverted spectrum argument, 12–13
IQ tests, 520–522, 753, 766, 780–809.Seealso
Isomorph, 559–563
Item output, 261–262

Johnston and Heinz theory, 368
Just-so stories, 652

Knowledge, 295–296, 551–558
Ko ̈rte’s third law, 229–231

Language, 243, 258, 271, 685–702
development, 690–702
logic of natural language use, 262–264
Lateral inhibition, 142
Law of small numbers, 589
Learning, 80, 84, 243, 466, 528–546, 634, 835, 847
explicit rule formation, 80
Hebbian, 466–467
language, 685–702
sequences, 471
speed of, 261
Level of abstraction, 251, 254, 255, 266, 267, 268
Levels of processing, 329–330
Lightness constancy, 202
Linear perspective, 169, 171, 505
Linguistic input, 691, 693.SeealsoLanguage
Linguistic structure, 691.SeealsoLanguage
Logic, 262
Loss aversion, 601–610
Loudness, 299, 307
Loudness constancy, 506
Luminance, 202–203, 208
Lyrics, 300–301, 307

Magnetoencephalogram (MEG), 845
Maintenance rehearsal, 329
Many mansions reply (Berkeley), 106–111
Mapping, 419, 426, 433, 434, 435
natural, 436

Masking, 234
Matching, 410, 820
Materialism, 6
Maxims (Gricean) 723–732.Seealso
Conversational implicature; Grice, H. P.;
Obscurity of statement
Measurement error, 126
Meiosis, 728
Melody, 230, 237, 299–300, 304, 306–307
Memory, 75–80, 153, 158, 182, 295–297, 311,
448–452, 463, 471, 525–546
accuracy, 339–341
autobiographical, 325, 577
episodic/explicit, 311
eyewitness, 334, 341
filter theory of, 366
flashbulb, 324
long-term, 296, 303–306, 388, 536
melody, 301
muscle, 306
music, 299
photographic, 326–328
recollection, 311–312, 316, 320, 324, 326, 332–
333, 337, 341, 344–345, 350, 367
reconstruction, 316, 321–322, 328, 333–335,
338–339, 341, 347, 351
record-keeping theories of, 311–352
retrieval, 388–389
short-term (working memory), 537, 784, 786,
source, 335–336
systems, 295
working, 537, 784, 786, 827
Mental set, 182, 363
Mental states
epistemic status of, 9
ontological status of, 9
Mentalism, 831
Metaphor, 733–747
Meta-analyses, 127
Methodism, 633
Method of loci, 326
Metonymy, 745–746
Microanatomy, 844
Mind-body problem, 3.SeealsoDualism
Mind-brain identity theory, 6
Mnemonic technique, 326–327
Mode of control, 391
neural net (of memory), 75–80
parallel distributed processing (seeParallel
distributed processing (PDP))
pattern associator, 81–87
perception, 75
Modular theory, 383–384
Monism, 6
Motherese, 687

Index 859
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